Column ID is not really a special field in ALV. It is always filled automatically by ALV and your manual entries are overwritten and set to the same value as COL_POS (Column position).
I’ve prepared ...
... (‘X’) value to the field catalog, but this will only change the style of the field (content of the field is underlined) and it will fire the HOTSPOT_CLICK event.
Figure 114 Setting column as hotspot ...
Group key is not widely used but it has nice feature. Once you group the field catalog fields and you pass the group name into parameter IT_SPECIAL_GROUPS of method SET_TABLE_FOR_FIRST_DISPLAY, then in ...
You may suspect that setting up a domain name in the field catalog will make some effect on the display, for example in data type, length, lowercase sign, but it seems that it has no effect in ALV grid. ...
... I’ve set sender and receiver, both as RT (ABAP Report Program).
Figure 100 TRSTI entry for sender program
I’ve also adapted the field catalog, setting REPREP to ABAP_TRUE for column ...
... then if you explicitly don’t set the SELTEXT and TOOLTIP fields, ALV will automatically copy the content of REPTEXT into those fields.
Figure 98 Field catalog with automatic and manual REPTEXT ...
The changes of this parameter are only visible in edit mode and makes sense only for character or string fields. If it is set to ABAP_TRUE (‘X’), then the ALV grid stores in internal table the value in ...
As the description says, the meaning of that field is to set the internal length of the field in Bytes. During my whole career as ABAP Developer, I had never filled that field manually. Usually you’ll ...
As you can imagine, INTTYPE is just a presentation of DATATYPE in internal SAP format in most of cases. I wrote most of cases because it can also say if the field in internal table is a reference to other ...
DATATYPE field has small influence on the way the column is displayed. You can omit this field and then ALV grid will automatically fill this field and additionally JUST, OUTPUTLEN, INTTYPE, INTLEN and ...
The main functionality of the ROLLNAME is to provide a data element that will be responsible for showing F1 help on the grid cell. If in data element the documentation is available, then it will be shown. ...
TOOLTIP, as in any other places in on your PC, is responsible to show short info about the column when you hover your mouse over the column header. It’s very useful when you have a lots of fields in you ...
SELTEXT is one of the fields that are linked to the texts of the grid columns. This particular one is responsible for displaying the name of the column in the change/display of layout popup. ...
Conversion Exit was already mentioned while describing the EDIT_MASK field, but here it is called in a bit different way. Before saying how, it is important to understand the conversion exits. They are ...
OUTPUTLEN can be used to setup the width of the column (if you don’t use automatic column width optimization). When automatically created, usually it have the value of the maximum field width, but when ...
Technical field allows you to do similar thing as NO_OUT, you can hide the field on the output, the difference is that, users are not able to unhide this field. As NO_OUT, in order that TECH field work, ...
NO_OUT is useful when you want to hide the field on the output, but still allow users to unhide it on demand. As lots of fields from field catalog, it can be filled with ‘X’ or space (default).
If ...
As you can imagine from the name, NO_SUM does mostly opposite what DO_SUM, but in more secure way. If you don’t want that the field is allowed to be summarized, then set the value of this field to ‘X’. ...
... into the value of this field in the field catalog.
One remark, if you’re adding this setting to value or quantity field, make sure that you also fill the QFIELDNAME or CFIELDNAME to have the sum of ...
FIX_COLUMN can be useful when you have a lots of fields in the field catalog and you want to make sure that some of the key fields are always visible, for example sales order number and position or posting ...
EMPHASIZE allows you to change the colour of the whole column if there is such need.
This field can be filled with following values:
Space - this means you use the standard behaviour of ALV ...
... of field catalog as well.
Using Conversion-Exit, for example ‘==ALPHA’, where ‘==’ sings represents the information that we’re using conversion-exit, and the next 5 characters are reserved for the ...
... from field catalog, then it displays the rest. If I would not pass parameter I_STRUCTURE_NAME then only this fields which are in table FCAT would appear on the screen.
Figure 12 ZDEMO_AIN_CL05 ...
This field is one of the basic ones in field catalog. It contains the fieldname of internal table that will be used in our grid. Although LVC_T_FCAT is standard table, then this field should be treated ...
The name of this field suggest to put here an internal table name, but it seems that it has no function at all. When SAP fills field catalog automatically, then value of this field is set to ‘1’. You can ...
... in field catalog.
Figure 17 ZDEMO_AIN_CL08 Output using JPY
Figure 18 ZDEMO_AIN_CL08 Output using USD
That’s why the CFIELDNAME is very handy to use in that situations ...
CFIELDNAME can be read as currency field name. When you have in your internal table a field that represents the currency for the amount stored in a field kept under FIELDNAME in field catalog, then you ...
QUANTITY field is very similar to CURRENCY. The difference here is that you don’t keep currency key here, but unit of measure, for example M for meters or KG for kilograms. Again to show you the difference ...
Although the SAP name of this field says: “Field name of internal table field”, then I haven’t found any usage of this field. It’s also not filled by SAP when you use SALV for creating field-catalogs. ...