... demo examples + at the end it calls screen 0100 which has container CC_MAIN and they are used to create last FALV. So you have choice, you can use full screen FALV or you can place it in any container ...
I wrote in previous post, you can’t use this class directly without any effort. First of all, the class itself will not display anything if you’ll not create a container for it. The following containers ...
... all that I have found on 7.50 SP2 NW system.
report zab_alv_symbols.
parameters: dummy as checkbox.
data(grid) = new cl_gui_alv_grid( i_parent = new cl_gui_docking_container( ...
Folders are containers for your favorites. Beside name and description you can setup a folder to be project independent. This will make that doesn’t matter on which SAP system you have currently ...
... NICEdit and this tread on SCN I found the way to make HTML WYSIWYG editor for ABAP. My editor use CL_GUI_HTML_VIEWER to display NICEdit in container, and then thanks to POST method I put changes back ...
... don't pass a container for a log then a popup with errors appears when you enter wrong data to cell. FALV allows you to use built-in split container which will show errors only when they appear and directly ...
... and with redefinition of method I can faster use it
Faster setting of layout and field catalog attributes
Easy switch and copy between popup, full screen and container version
Easy toolbar ...
... screen and container version Easy toolbar handling (in grid and in full screen/popup using Dynamic GUI STATUS & TITLE with ABAP code ) One place to handle user commands of full screen/popup call -> event ...
... On the top of the screen there is an HTML container builded with CL_GUI_HTML_VIEWER. This container will tell you if it's your turn or if you have won the battle.
As this is the first version, ...
data: go_popup_custom_cont type ref to cl_gui_custom_container.
data: go_popup_grid type ref to cl_gui_alv_grid.
data: gs_popup_layout type lvc_s_layo.
data: gs_popup_variant type disvariant. ...
... container called 'CC_0100', add gui status with at least function 'MASS_REPLA' ) report zab_mass_replace_demo.
data: ok_code type sy-ucomm.
data: begin of gs_spfli.
include structure spfli. ...
"if yes then we'll use it
mo_str = i_structure.
"create data container
create data ms_data type handle mo_str.
assign ms_data->* to . ...
... table.
In the method provided bellow I firstly create custom container object (cl_gui_custom_container) to place the chart in it, then I create chart engine (cl_gui_chart_engine), then using if_xml I ...
... zip all files into zip container Exporting: ET_FILES TYPE CVAPI_TBL_DOC_FILES -> Table with all files found in document
ET_XSTRING TYPE TT_XSTRING -> TT_XSTRING -> Table of xstrings (each file in separated ...
... to be zipped
I_FILENAME TYPE STRING -> filename used as name of file inside the zip container
types: t_scompo_name type line of tt_ra_scompo_name . type-pools abap .
constants cname_cl_gui_custom_container type abap_abstypename value '\CLASS=CL_GUI_CUSTOM_CONTAINER'.
constants cname_cl_gui_textedit type abap_abstypename value '\CLASS=CL_GUI_TEXTEDIT'. ...