I'm big fan of CMD_EI_API and VMD_EI_API classes. I use them to create, update and delete customer and vendor master data, including contact persons, partners and all data you have in XD02/XK02 transaction. ...
p_del radiobutton group gr1.
class lcl_subcontracting definition.
public section.
constants: action_delete type c value 'D',
action_explode type c value 'M'. ...
... in CEWB, so we can create/change/delete bom and routings. The example available in the note shows how to change an routing operation description. The rest you have to figure out alone but once you start ...
... node, you are able to add new client to the list.
When you right-click on client node, then you can create additional users or you can delete the client node.
When you ...
... easier than 000000000000000123, that’s why field MATNR uses conversion exit ALPHA which deletes the leading zeros in case there are only numbers inside the fields.
There are many standard conversion ...
field-symbols: type SYDB0_SCR_STACK_LINE.
assign (current_scr) to .
if sy-subrc eq 0 and i_button between 1 and 5.
data(button) = |FC0|.
if i_visible eq abap_true.
delete -excl where fcode eq button. ...
Read a report/text pool
Write/delete a report/text pool
( symbol = sym_sorted_down name = 'SYM_SORTED_DOWN ' )
( symbol = sym_cumulated name = 'SYM_CUMULATED ' )
( symbol = sym_delete name = 'SYM_DELETE ' ...
... editor at double-click. If this will be unchecked at double click the object will be run (F8).
Once you add folder or object to favorites, then you’ll be able to delete it or edit.
d.Filtering ...
In previous post I've shown how to re-explode subcontracting components of purchase requisition using FM ME_COMPONENTS_MAINTAIN and ME_COMPONENTS_UPDATE_PREPARE . Using very similar code you can delete ...
... you want the keywords, making for example select, insert, delete, modify or method more visible. Just a simple thing but changes that much! viii. Going out of the brackets – when you write something ...
"! Do not delete it!!!
report zab_dynamic_gui_status. Yes, that's all from the code point of view in this program. As said it's only to keep GUI STATUS ...
sort ft_selected_rows by row_id.
"remove not editable fields
delete gt_fcat_mass where edit eq abap_false.
if gt_fcat_mass[] is initial.
message s001(00) display like 'W' with 'No editable fields in the grid'. ...
... object but you will not save the document at the end? The document itself will be kept so you have to be sure that it will be deleted next archiving run. I will show you an example on Purchase Requisition ...
... (CP_CL_P_OPR_ALLOCATION_PROVIDE). We need to do it in order to delete current allocation. 4) Deletion is done with CM_CL_P_COM_DELETE and saved with CP_CC_S_SAVE. Deletion is committed as in other case ...
. Same way as you can add the configuration you can delete it. Parameters are the same. call function 'ES_DELETE_USER_SETTINGS'
exporting ...
loop at it_list assigning .
move-corresponding to ms_list.
delete table it_list from .
append ms_list to mt_list.
refresh: it_list[].
export export from mt_list to memory id 'ZMB51_FULLLIST_EXPORT'. ...
assign mt_exlist->* to .
assign ms_exlist->* to .
loop at mt_list assigning .
move-corresponding to .
append to ct_list.".
clear .
delete table mt_list from . ...
... zcl_abapblog_com_classific=>clear_initial_line_api_vari to delete initial line for multiple values characteristics zcl_abapblog_com_classific=>move_ref_data_to_screen_val to move reference data to update ...
delete adjacent duplicates from gt_mdma comparing all fields.
"check if we want to filter material on a base of inforecords
" for vendor
if gt_mdma[] is not initial and s_lifnr[] is not initial. ...
if sy-subrc ne 0.
"if not then we can delete entries from table to be able to run check
"in the next change of item
delete ft_condcheck where ebelp = f_mepoitem-ebelp. ...
In article Delete Routing - piece of cake I've shown you how to use FM from CEWB transaction to delete routings. If you go through all FM that are inside function groups of CEWB then you'll see ...