... CITYFROM. According to OSS notes I had to also fill ROLLNAME (Data element) or DOMNAME (Domain), as they are the criteria to assign the sender value into receiver select-option (names of the select-option ...
... automatically from the data element of the referenced field.
Figure 97 Texts of Data Element S_FROMAIRP
When you do not use reference to data dictionary and you set REPTEXT manually, ...
Following the example of downloading exchange rates from Central Bank Of Turkey using transformations, please find bellow the same way for National Bank of Poland.
Again, lets create an RFC destination ...
One of the standard requests that comes with every SAP implementation is automatic download of exchange rates to your system. Today I will show you on an example of Central Bank Of Turkey, how to transform ...
The main functionality of the ROLLNAME is to provide a data element that will be responsible for showing F1 help on the grid cell. If in data element the documentation is available, then it will be shown. ...
... make a backup of the *.vbox file, just in case :-)
Now edit the VBOX file by adding in ExtraData node one additional element that you can copy bellow and save.
... display of many elements of eclipse.
Personally I didn't like the color settings for ABAP, so I've used my old files which you can find in this article AiE (ADT) dark theme settings, but this is my personal ...
... or separate window to see the signature of it. In Eclipse you can just press F2 on any element ( method, class, FM, variable, table, type, etc. ) and all information about it will be fetched and shown ...
... class where you want to use private methods of CL_GUI_ALV_GRID. Once you've done that and you have inside an attribute of type CL_GUI_ALV_GRID then you can access its private and protected elements. ...
... 6) All needed elements are ready now, so it's time for FM . As import parameter we need fieldcatalog and the question which will be displayed on the screen. As changing parameter we pass a table with ...
... separator (text element S02). Macro add_ss_line adds line for selection screen with parameter description, parameter from, "WITH" separator and parameter to. Macro change_parametr_type is setting ...
... FMs in the interface or inside the code you can find a table with structure ESDUSCOM. This structures contains three components: ACTION, ELEMENT, ACTIVE. This components can be found of course in ESDUS table. ...
at selection-screen output.
"loop at screen elements
loop at screen.
"if we find elements of our group
if screen-group1 eq 'GR1'.
"then change the font color ...
* chart data elements:
data: f_chartdata type ref to if_ixml_element,
f_categories type ref to if_ixml_element,
f_category type ref to if_ixml_element,
f_series type ref to if_ixml_element, ...