Following the example of downloading exchange rates from Central Bank Of Turkey using transformations, please find bellow the same way for National Bank of Poland.
Again, lets create an RFC destination ...
One of the standard requests that comes with every SAP implementation is automatic download of exchange rates to your system. Today I will show you on an example of Central Bank Of Turkey, how to transform ...
data: fo_ixml_sf type ref to if_ixml_stream_factory.
data: f_ixml_data_doc type ref to if_ixml_document.
data: f_ostream type ref to if_ixml_ostream.
data: f_encoding type ref to if_ixml_encoding. ...
In part one for this tutorial I quickly shown you how to create a chart customizing using Chart Designer, in this part I will show how I store and use such customizing. For the beginning I'll tell ...