I wrote in previous post, you can’t use this class directly without any effort. First of all, the class itself will not display anything if you’ll not create a container for it. The following containers ...
... Maybe just for information and for Report-Report interface, where this field is use as one of the matching criteria for selection-screen parameters.
As you can see on the next image, although I gave ...
... to call.
Figure 102 Activation of interface
Additionally to the sender information (S_RPRP_ID), I’ve filled callback report and callback form name. If you’re familiar with REUSE_ALV_GRID_DISPLAY, ...
... not bother yourself about it. But if you do, then take into consideration following information:
Length is in Bytes, so remember that it doesn’t mean, that one character takes one Byte
In display ...
Following the example of downloading exchange rates from Central Bank Of Turkey using transformations, please find bellow the same way for National Bank of Poland.
Again, lets create an RFC destination ...
... parse XML using for example CL_XML_DOCUMENT class, or you can create a transformation that will convert the XML into internal table.
I've choosen the second option in this example, as I've never done ...
As you can imagine, INTTYPE is just a presentation of DATATYPE in internal SAP format in most of cases. I wrote most of cases because it can also say if the field in internal table is a reference to other ...
... column
Just to show you where this information comes from, here it comes the view from SE11 and data element S_CONN_ID.
Figure 89 SE11 for S_CONN_ID
If you are familiar with the WRITE statement, then probably you know the EDIT_MASK addition which allows us to do formatting of the output in two different ways, you can apply the same to the EDIT_MASK ...
This field is one of the basic ones in field catalog. It contains the fieldname of internal table that will be used in our grid. Although LVC_T_FCAT is standard table, then this field should be treated ...
QFIELDNAME has the same meaning for quantity fields, like CFIELDNAME for amount fields. This means that we can setup in which column of internal table the information about unit of measure is kept. On ...
... for now just the basics information how to start with it.
As you can see on the image bellow, there are few methods and attributes there but the constructor is most important, when you will pass ...
... that it will be easier and better to use Eventbrite, which is free for free of charge event. You can setup there the maximum of participants per ticket type, as well as give some description and informatio ...
... the information about active function keys and CURRENT_SCR together with lots other information - the table which is used to exclude function codes from GUI Status.
So I've started to change ...
I was implementing ATC checks in the company I work for and wanted to find the place where the information about possible pseudo comments are stored.
In transaction ATC I could find them in the management ...
... I've started to search the web for the eclipse plug-in developments so I could get some more information about it. It was hard time for me, I've stopped this few times until I said, no this cannot be that ...
... then, the value was changed to 0,80 %.
Even more funny was that the debugger in both cases was showing correct value 8,00.
I was changing the format of the field ...
... information. I was nominated for Contributing to ABAP and OS projects, I guess because of FALV project ( my part in abap2xlsx is too small ). To be honest there are many other developers who should get ...
... or separate window to see the signature of it. In Eclipse you can just press F2 on any element ( method, class, FM, variable, table, type, etc. ) and all information about it will be fetched and shown ...
... when using standard SAP FM we can see that progress showing is taking too much time (like SAP_CONVERT_TO_CSV_FORMAT for example), and as we should not do any modification of the system code then we need ...
I know that many times showing any progress information isn't something that developer likes to have in his program, especially when it's so fast that progress indicator only slows it down horribly, ...
As we got a short description of ESDUS and ESRUO and connected FMs in previous parts, then now it's time for examples. Let's start with scenarios which I described in first part 1. When you open ...
i_table = space "format as table in Excel
catch zcx_excel.
data: lo_excel_writer type ref to zif_excel_writer,
l_xstring type xstring. ...
... because it gave me possibility to do pre-selection before calling MB51, I've received completly formated results from MB51 and I can add all possible events to grid for new and existing columns. ...
data: m_p(16) type p.
data: mo_type type ref to cl_abap_elemdescr.
data: m_format type cabn-atfor.
data: m_currency type rctmv-waers.
data: m_atinn type api_vali-atinn.
data: m_objectkey type bapi1003_key-object. ...
... screen values in it's internal format Changing: C_DATA TYPE REF TO DATA OPTIONAL -> Classification details with reference data Exceptions: CHARACTERISTIC_UNKNOWN
data: m_p(16) type p.
data: mo_type type ref to cl_abap_elemdescr.
data: m_format type cabn-atfor.
data: m_currency type rctmv-waers.
if c_data is initial.
raise no_data_to_change. ...