... if something has changed with BAPI_OBJCL_GETDETAIL, then save the values with BAPI_OBJCL_CHANGE. Just one remark, you have to pass all values always to that FM! Importing: I_DATA TYPE DATA OPTIONAL
value( ...
... in part 1. To get the characteristics values for an object I will use FM BAPI_OBJCL_GETDETAIL, then using field-symbols I will move the data from its result tables to our structure. I will use also cl_abap_typedescr ...
... then I will use FM BAPI_CHARACT_GETDETAIL to read the characteristics and in each step I'll be using classes cl_abap_elemdescr, cl_abap_structdescr and cl_abap_tabledescr to create the structure I ...
... 'CVAPI_DOC_GETDETAIL', 'CVAPI_DOC_CHECKOUTVIEW' or SCMS_DOC_READ'. These FMs allows you the check the details of document, check it and then read its content. Of course sometimes ...