... implementation of the method. In my example I simply read the clicked cell content and I display a message on the screen. The index of row of clicked cell you’ll find in structure E_ROW_ID in the field ...
i_processed = sy-index " Number of Objects Already Processed
i_total = p_times1 " Total Number of Objects to Be Processed
i_output_immediately = abap_true " X = Display Progress Immediately ...
data: f_num(2) type n.
data: f_index type i.
data: f_field type string.
data: f_changed type flag.
data: f_tabix type i.
data: ft_filtered type lvc_t_fidx.
data: ft_selected_rows type lvc_t_roid. ...
from esruo
where uname eq sy-uname
and object_typ eq 'BUS2105'.
sort ft_esruo by timestamp descending.
read table ft_esruo index 1 into fs_esruo.
concatenate fs_esruo-object_id 'A' into f_active. ...
... MSEG Enhancement & Redesign MB51/MB5B After implementation you'll have some additional fields from MKPF directly in MSEG table which connected with additional index on MSEG and proper configuration ...
do f_times times.
f_insidel2 = sy-index - 1.
loop at er_range assigning .
assign component 'LOW' of structure to .
check sy-subrc eq 0.
if f_text+f_insidel2(1) ca '*+' and ( i_option eq 'CP' or i_option eq 'NP' ). ...
clear f_current_score. "clear score.
"we will check key fields only
do f_keys_number times.
"assign key field of configuration
assign component sy-index of structure to . ...
... some hours on that I gave up. But it returned someday I just simply saw FM 'RS_PROGRAM_INDEX' and that was enough to create fast a method to free all global data for me. So let's start with ...