data: ok_code type sy-ucomm.
class lcl_json_structure definition deferred.
class lcl_hlp definition.
public section.
data: converter type ref to lcl_json_structure,
results type string, ...
... how to use FALV when you want to use event handlers by your own.
"All" events are handled so you just need to redefine proper method starting from evt_*
"! This is demo for FALV with redefinition of hotspot event handler ...
... thing was that it wasn't the case when CTMS_DDB_SET_VAL_FROM_OBJECT was used. Of course this line was initial but the values were treated after as imputed by user. So as always I started to debug the ...
... OF CL_GUI_ALV_GRID with importing parameters E_ROW_ID, E_COLUMN_ID and ES_ROW_NO
Figure 115 Hotspot_Click event handler definition
After definition, of course you need to prepare ...
... a type EXCHANGE_RATES.
CLASS lcl_exchange_rates DEFINITION.
TYPES: BEGIN OF currency,
currency_name TYPE string,
unit TYPE string, ...
... call transformation, you can use following dirty ABAP code. The structure of the XML will be transformed into internal table of a type EXCHANGE_RATES.
CLASS lcl_exchange_rates DEFINITION.
... p_sale type knvv-vkorg,
p_distr type knvv-vtweg,
p_divis type knvv-spart.
class lcl_customer definition create public inheriting from zcl_cmd_customer. ...
... the five custom function codes on selection-screen? Well, definitely I have and it was really annoying as I wanted to be able to dynamically assign the slection-screen function key depending if it's already ...
Buffering Permitted, but Switched Off selected - Size Category >= 2
Buffering Type is initial but Delivery Class ...
... all that I have found on 7.50 SP2 NW system.
report zab_alv_symbols.
parameters: dummy as checkbox.
data(grid) = new cl_gui_alv_grid( i_parent = new cl_gui_docking_container( ...
You may saw before the article Create XLSX/MHTML file from internal table in background and you may have use it without any issues before, but it seems that in newer releases of SAP (definitelly >= 7.50) ...
If you would ask me if I would write something about SAP Script then I would definitely answer "Hell no!". I hate SAP Script to be honest, it has for me only one advantage - speed of printout if you compare ...
p_del radiobutton group gr1.
class lcl_subcontracting definition.
public section.
constants: action_delete type c value 'D',
action_explode type c value 'M'. ...
parameters: p_banfn type eban-banfn,
p_bnfpo type eban-bnfpo default '00010'.
class lcl_subcontracting definition.
public section.
class-methods: delete_pr_bom importing value(i_requsition) type eban-banfn ...
class lcl_subcontracting definition.
public section.
class-methods: explode_pr_bom importing value(i_requsition) type eban-banfn
value(i_position) type eban-bnfpo ...
... you can modify layout or field catalog settings to make it editable. Please check following code to see example of usage:
report zsalv_grid_events.
class lcl_grid_trick definition
create public . ...
... the objects in code then you’re in heaven. In eclipse once you want to jump to method or function definition or implementation, you don’t have to save your current work and move to other, you just Ctrl ...
... CL_GUI_ALV_GRID, which is normally not possible. When you look into the class definition you'll notice that there is only one global friend - interface IF_ALV_RM_GRID_FRIEND which has no attributes ...
... popup with grid then you should pass 'X' to this parameter otherwise in case you don't pass parent container , grid will be shown in full screen
If you create redefinition of ...
from sflight.
class lcl_test definition inheriting from zcl_falv.
public section.
protected section.
methods evt_at_set_title redefinition.
private section.
endclass. ...
include type sflight.
types: styles type lvc_t_styl,
end of t_sflight.
data: sflight type standard table of t_sflight.
class lcl_test definition inheriting from zcl_falv. ...
"! done by Lukasz Pegiel for http://abapblog.com
report zdemo_falv05.
data: sflight type standard table of sflight.
class lcl_test definition inheriting from zcl_falv.
public section. ...
report zdemo_falv04.
data: sflight type standard table of sflight.
class lcl_test definition inheriting from zcl_falv.
public section.
protected section.
"redefinition of event handler ...
report zdemo_falv03.
data: sflight type standard table of sflight.
class lcl_test definition inheriting from zcl_falv.
public section.
protected section.
"redefinition of event handler ...
... and with redefinition of method I can faster use it
Faster setting of layout and field catalog attributes
Easy switch and copy between popup, full screen and container version
Easy toolbar ...
... screen creation All events should be already handled and with redefinition of method I can faster use it Faster setting of layout and field catalog attributes Easy switch and copy between popup, full ...
assign (gos_path) to .
if is assigned and is not initial.
data(object) = value borident( objkey = i_viqmel-qmnum ).
select single qmtyp into data(qmtyp)
from tq80
where qmart eq i_viqmel-qmart. ...