When you create the code sometimes you forget about optimizing of your code or you don't know how to properly use a statement. This is category for you.
OUTPUTLEN can be used to setup the width of the column (if you don’t use automatic column width optimization). When automatically created, usually it have the value of the maximum field width, but when ...
NO_OUT is useful when you want to hide the field on the output, but still allow users to unhide it on demand. As lots of fields from field catalog, it can be filled with ‘X’ or space (default).
If ...
Everybody sends mails from SAP, some are still using old FM SO_NEW_DOCUMENT_ATT_SEND_API1 but some CL_BCS class. This class is really powerful but it has one disadvantage - it does commit work, and not ...
The latest version of each part of FALV can be found on github repository https://github.com/fidley/falv which you can use in abapGit for easier up to date handling.
Layout class is based on ...
... some layout settings - like zebra, then you can use layout object which contains setters for all layout fields. Additionally in this object we have "Mark field" which changes behaviur of standard select ...
This topic was raised many times, I always found it's not possible to (or at least to hard to try) to update components allocation for routing operations. Fortunately I had to do it somehow and I manage ...
In article Delete Routing - piece of cake I've shown you how to use FM from CEWB transaction to delete routings. If you go through all FM that are inside function groups of CEWB then you'll see ...
Not once, not twice I've search for a solution to do changes in routings (task lists) in some wise way. I hate BDC but in this case I thought that there is no other solution. Fortunately I was wrong ...
In previous post I've shown how to zip file directly on PC without using CL_ABAP_ZIP, this time I will show you how easy is to use OLE2_OBJECT to create an MS Outlook message with attachment and save ...
Thank you for visiting my blog, if you're interested in who I am, then please read this few words about me.
I'm working with SAP systems since 2004 when I joined Hager Group. I started as ...
If you follow me on social media, you probably already know that I have written a book about ABAP in Eclipse. The full title is: ABAP in Eclipse - Install, Configure, Use, and Enhance Your ADT and it is ...
Column ID is not really a special field in ALV. It is always filled automatically by ALV and your manual entries are overwritten and set to the same value as COL_POS (Column position).
I’ve prepared ...
Once done, you should create handler for the event and notify ALV grid about it. To do so, you need to declare a method (named hotspot_click in my example) with the addition FOR EVENT HOTSPOT_CLICK ...
... selection of fields to display in layout change window, you’ll be able to choose to see all hidden fields or the hidden fields from the group you’ve created. If you don’t pass the group name into IT_SPECIAL_GROUPS, ...
... the grid.
Figure 105 Calling up RRI
Once used, the second program (ZDEMO_AIN_CL41R) is called without selection-screen and the value of CITYFROM column is passed to it.
Figure ...
... not bother yourself about it. But if you do, then take into consideration following information:
Length is in Bytes, so remember that it doesn’t mean, that one character takes one Byte
In display ...
... right-click on the user node, you'll be able to use the credential to do the logon (without chaging the project data).
If you are already logged into the project, you'll have possibility ...
... table field. But if you’ll have unstoppable need of filling it, then the behaviour of the column will be exactly the same like you would use DATATYPE field, means JUST, OUTPUTLEN, INTTYPE, INTLEN and DD_OUTLEN ...
DATATYPE field has small influence on the way the column is displayed. You can omit this field and then ALV grid will automatically fill this field and additionally JUST, OUTPUTLEN, INTTYPE, INTLEN and ...
... Change layout screen
Additionally to this, the main behaviour is also there. F1 shows the documentation from the data element.
Figure 88 ZDEMO_AIN_CL35 F1 Help for CONNID ...
TOOLTIP, as in any other places in on your PC, is responsible to show short info about the column when you hover your mouse over the column header. It’s very useful when you have a lots of fields in you ...
SELTEXT is one of the fields that are linked to the texts of the grid columns. This particular one is responsible for displaying the name of the column in the change/display of layout popup. ...
... _OUTPUT. _INPUT and _OUTPUT describes if the FM is responsible for converting external value into internal (INPUT) or form internal value into external (OUTPUT).
Figure 75 Search of ...
Technical field allows you to do similar thing as NO_OUT, you can hide the field on the output, the difference is that, users are not able to unhide this field. As NO_OUT, in order that TECH field work, ...
DO_SUM is very helpful when you want to assure that some of the numeric fields are summarized directly after the output, without interaction from the user side. In order to do so, just put the ‘X’ or ABAP_TRUE ...
If you are familiar with the WRITE statement, then probably you know the EDIT_MASK addition which allows us to do formatting of the output in two different ways, you can apply the same to the EDIT_MASK ...
This field is responsible for setting up columns in proper order while displaying the grid without using of saved layout. It may be useful if you don’t allow your users to save their own or global grid ...