... with or without extension . There are plenty of FM that helps to do so but the have one disadvantage -> they base on 3 digit extension and sometimes they have limited path size. But where stadard SAP cannot ...
... 24 registered participants, so my expectations were that this time it will be more persons. I aslo knew exactly how much food and drinks I need for the event, what path of organisation to follow, but if ...
... note 1421352 - FAQ: Customer cockpit, which was explaining the SPRO path for customizing view. ( I could use as well where used list on table, but I was curious about the SPRO path).
... your favorites by using the proper function from view menu. After selection of the function you'll be asked for the path of saving/loading the file.
g.Multilevel folder hierarchy
Since version ...
I was lately trying to find an HTML WYSIWYG editor for ABAP, but I failed. I though or this was not needed so far, or the solution was not posted anywhere. So I've tried several times and thanks to ...
This question seems to be funny as usually you rather read "How can I learn ABAP?". But how to teach? Should we follow any rules ? Should we keep to some path of teaching, special sequences or ...
constants: gos_path type string value '(SAPLSWUG)GO_GOS_MANAGER'.
field-symbols: type ref to cl_gos_manager. ...
... to memory with CP_CC_S_LOAD_COMPLEX_BY_TSK and CP_CC_S_LOAD_COMPLEX_BY_BOM, 2) Next step is to get the BOM into internal table using CP_CC_S_PROVIDE_ITM_BY_AS_PATH. BOM table contains also a explosion ...
data: l_path type string, " local dir
lv_workdir type string,
lv_file_separator type c.
data: lt_exfcat type zexcel_t_fieldcatalog.
data: lt_solix type solix_tab. ...
... your coding here then your data should be displayed on the screen.
Do implicit enhancement in RM07DOCS to export results of MB51 to memory and read it in external program - and this path I've chosen ...
data: g_filename type string.
data: g_path type string.
"get path
parameters: p_path type string obligatory.
at selection-screen on value-request for p_path.
cl_gui_frontend_services=>file_save_dialog( ...
... all functions for OLE & MS you can find in MSDN documents.
Here is the code with f_path parameter which is used to pass path of local file to attach to message: form outlook using f_path type csequence. ...
... - also a program with proper parameters. In my example I will use IZArc (it's free and fast). So what I'm doing here is:
- passing full path to the file which will be zipped
- call cl_gui_frontend_services=>environment_get_variable ...
... "get_filename_from_path", its code is posted here. The method I'm posting bellow allows you to choose if during download of files from document you want to zip them all together into one ...