... a range of the possible values to be able to fulfill the task. Here is how to do it quite fast by doing FM: function z_ab_prep_val_for_case_search.
*"-------------------------------------------------------------------- ...
During creation of selection screen or normal screen for your program you declare some fields and you want to use with them standard search help but with some modification like putting values to one of ...
... exits, you can find the by searching of FM that begins with CONVERSION_EXIT_*. You’ll notice that after the second underscore there is a five characters name of the conversion exit, and then _INPUT or ...
This field is one of the basic ones in field catalog. It contains the fieldname of internal table that will be used in our grid. Although LVC_T_FCAT is standard table, then this field should be treated ...
... ( even if the connection to SAP backend was fast).
So I've started to search for possibilities to speed-up at least the starting time of the Eclipse. I've found few videos on the YouTube as well ...
Undefined search help
Initial value check for field type
... any contact related values to the main structure. This was really strange behaviour for me. So as always in such kind of situations I've started to search for solution in SCN, then in OSS notes, but I failed. ...
... I've started to search the web for the eclipse plug-in developments so I could get some more information about it. It was hard time for me, I've stopped this few times until I said, no this cannot be that ...
... or methods declared. Quite strange, isn't it? When you'll search were this interface is used then you'll notice that it's helping to get access to private grid data. So why not to ...
... tabs. The view which will come will not be the best. As only Eclipse theme has changed but not the ADT color settings. You can now go to Windows->Preferences, search for color settings and try ...
... table under AB id. Additionally gui timer has started to run, and at end of the event FINISHED method to search partner for you is run. If it founds one, then you start to play, if not then the timer is ...
... object. You always have to pass IACTION parameter - so the name of searched configuration. IUNAME if passed then FM returns settings for passed user, if parameter is not supplied then in default caller ...
" clear current content of selection fields
loop at ft_params into fs_params.
read table ft_sscr with key name = fs_params-selname binary search transporting no fields. ...
Not once, not twice I've search for a solution to do changes in routings (task lists) in some wise way. I hate BDC but in this case I thought that there is no other solution. Fortunately I was wrong ...