... CITYFROM. According to OSS notes I had to also fill ROLLNAME (Data element) or DOMNAME (Domain), as they are the criteria to assign the sender value into receiver select-option (names of the select-option ...
Have you received someday an error from your ABAP object saying that "The statement SELECTION-SCREEN is not allowed within FORM routines and function modules." and you wondered why it is blocked to manipulate ...
... allows multiple row selects. 1) In order to prepare such popup you'll need to firstly define some global variables in FG which you can find bellow: constants: c_ccname_grid_popup type scrfname value 'CC_GRID_POPUP'. ...
As I have needed types I can start to create methods which I need. Firstly fast method the read select-option data from any program which will call our class. I will use here FM RS_REFRESH_FROM_SELECTOPTIONS . ...
You may noticed that standard transaction MD07 and MS07 offers basic filters on selection-screen which allows user to select materials they are responsible for, the problem comes when in your company users ...
Today, as a first entry in Beginners part I'd like you to show how to build parameters on selection screen. All this information you can find under F1 help but here you've got visualization of ...
... in airline AA for which there is no direct configuration. Now let's go to ABAP. In the example of the code which you'll find bellow you can find two forms select_configuration_static and select_configuration_dynamic. ...
In article Save variant for single selection screen subscreen I've shown you how to save a variant for single selection-screen subscreen with a little help of FM RS_ISOLATE_1_SELSCREEN & RS_CREATE_VARIANT. ...
When building a program with multiple selection screens sometimes it may be needed to save the variant with entries only for one of the subscreens and not for the others. If you want to do that you have ...
... a demo program (ZDEMO_AIN_CL46) to show you, how the COL_ID is changing on a base of COL_POS. On the selection screen you can find two radio-buttons.
Figure 120 ZDEMO_AIN_CL46 Selection ...
... selection of fields to display in layout change window, you’ll be able to choose to see all hidden fields or the hidden fields from the group you’ve created. If you don’t pass the group name into IT_SPECIAL_GROUPS, ...
... Maybe just for information and for Report-Report interface, where this field is use as one of the matching criteria for selection-screen parameters.
As you can see on the next image, although I gave ...
Following the example of downloading exchange rates from Central Bank Of Turkey using transformations, please find bellow the same way for National Bank of Poland.
Again, lets create an RFC destination ...
One of the standard requests that comes with every SAP implementation is automatic download of exchange rates to your system. Today I will show you on an example of Central Bank Of Turkey, how to transform ...
... for the project and allow you to do right click and select the user with which you want to logon.
If you double click on the user name, you'll get the popup with the possibility to put the password ...
Figure 90 ZDEMO_AIN_CL36 Selection screen with data type
Figure 91 ZDEMO_AIN_CL36 Result of report with TIMS data type
I’ve tried to enter data in TIME format ...
... the demo program I’ve used data element S_CONN_ID to show you how does it work.
Figure 85 ZDEMO_AIN_CL35 Selection Screen
On the first sight you can notice that if you’ll use ROLLNAME, ...
Figure 76 ZDEMO_AIN_CL32 Conversion Exit NUMCV for field CONNID
When you run the program you can select if you want to see the CONNID with or without conversion exit. In case you ...
... only see selected fields and nothing more.
When you’ll run the ZDEMO_AIN_CL26 program, you can see the behaviour of the FIX_COLUMN field. If you have wide screen, please resize the SAP GUI window, ...
... table. The corresponding field should be an CHAR4 field. You can use of course the domain ICON_D as well. In my example I’ve filled all rows with the same icon (ICON_ABAP) during the selection of data ...
... the distance of the flight in the demo program by multiplying it by -1.
Figure 46 ZDEMO_AIN_CL21 Select
Figure 47 ZDEMO_AIN_CL21 Without NO_SIGN option
... dummy PARAMETER and I moved the code of creating the container to event AT SELECTION-SCREEN OUTPUT. This way the docking container appears directly after running of the program. As you can see in Figure ...
... it will help you in your daily job.
From all available grids as the one to describe I’ve selected CL_GUI_ALV_GRID, which was, or maybe still is, called by many persons ALV OO. I’m doing this of ...
... Comment
Alternative Pseudo Comment
Existence check. No fields used
... your favorites by using the proper function from view menu. After selection of the function you'll be asked for the path of saving/loading the file.
g.Multilevel folder hierarchy
Since version ...