... only see selected fields and nothing more.
When you’ll run the ZDEMO_AIN_CL26 program, you can see the behaviour of the FIX_COLUMN field. If you have wide screen, please resize the SAP GUI window, ...
... it will help you in your daily job.
From all available grids as the one to describe I’ve selected CL_GUI_ALV_GRID, which was, or maybe still is, called by many persons ALV OO. I’m doing this of ...
As we have a class then we can prepare little demo for using it. As you can see bellow, I'm activating the button only if checkbox is selected, then I'm deactivating it when it's empty. Try to do this ...
... remember I was always using SAPGUI_PROGRESS_INDICATOR FM to display such messages on the screen. When used inside loops I often was manually dividing current tabix by selected variable (for example 1000) ...
... options that should be displayed. What is important here is that this table will be changed (only selected entires will be left in the table) and in case of cancel button or confirm button but without ...
... First function needs two import parameter, which are tables of selected columns in ALV grid (LVC_T_COL) and fieldcatalog of ALV (LVC_T_FCAT). This FM adds proper selection-screen lines on a base of fieldcatalog ...
... are of ES_*USER_SETTINGS FMs are simillar to ES_*USER_OBJECTS FMs. But let's look on them closer. ES_READ_USER_SETTINGS will give you all parameters for a user for selected transaction / program / ...
data: gt_vendor like standard table of g_vendor.
data: gt_mdkp like standard table of mdkp.
data: g_dtart like mdkp-dtart.
*--> Table of selected materials
data: begin of mdmwx occurs 0.
include structure mdmw. "material / plant ...
... to firstly use FM 'RS_REFRESH_FROM_SELECTOPTIONS' to get all fields and values for all select-options, then you need to use FM 'RS_ISOLATE_1_SELSCREEN' to get the fieldnames for selected ...
... - gets current scroll information get_current_cell - gets current cell, we will use that data to set the cursor at the end get_selected_rows - gets selected rows get_selected_cells_id ...