... about Dynamic GUI Status & Tittle but was included directly into FALV and updated to keep the logic of it. in ZDEMO_FALV03 and ZDEMO_FALV04 you can find example of usage of fully and partly dynamic GUI. ...
... Status in case of full screen FALV. When you use full dynamic GUI status then you're allowed to use up to 35 button slots. Default buttons like SAVE, BACK, UP, EXIT, PRINT,... are already set. If they are ...
... to GUI status (in case of full screen display). Screen contains default grid buttons + 19 empty slots for custom buttons.
"! This is demo for FALV full screen with partly dynamic GUI STATUS
"! done by Lukasz Pegiel for http://abapblog.com ...
When you're used to create buttons in ALV Grid dynamically then you think why SAP doesn't allow create dynamically buttons on GUI STATUS. You can change icon or text if you defined that function ...
Don’t try to find anything in this program, that was not needed just to quickly display the data on the grid. There is no GUI Status, there is no PBO and PAI handling. I did it on purpose just to create ...
... is manipulating the output of the selection screen and also the GUI status.
After some debugging I found interesting global variables there: CURRENT_SCREEN and CURRENT_SCR.
CURRENT_SCREEN contained ...
... here, especially that the screen and GUI status is included into Git repository. Also whole refactoring is not yet done but as an alpha version it doesn't look that bad :-)
report zjson2abaptype. ...
falv->layout->set_edit( abap_true ).
falv->set_editable( iv_modify = abap_true ).
"show default grid toolbar
falv->layout->set_no_toolbar( abap_false ).
"Add mass replace function to grid toolbar (can be also added to GUI STATUS as well ) ...
case e_ucomm.
when zcl_falv_dynamic_status=>b_01.
me->enable_button( me->mc_fc_print_back ).
when zcl_falv_dynamic_status=>b_02.
me->disable_button( me->mc_fc_print_back ). ...
... handling (in grid and in full screen/popup using Dynamic GUI STATUS & TITLE with ABAP code )
One place to handle user commands of full screen/popup call -> event user_command
Prerequisites ...
... screen and container version Easy toolbar handling (in grid and in full screen/popup using Dynamic GUI STATUS & TITLE with ABAP code ) One place to handle user commands of full screen/popup call -> event ...
... carrier. Map is created with CL_GUI_ALV_GRID. Once you click on status button to add one of the ships, map will show you in which place you can start ship. When you'll select position of the start ...
data: gt_popup_fcat type lvc_t_fcat.
data: g_popup_question type char70.
field-symbols: type standard table. 2) Then you need to create GUI status with Cancel and Enter Buttons ...
if sy-dynnr eq 1001.
perform set_ss_status.
loop at screen.
if screen-name cp '*P_*01*' and g_par01_type is initial.
clear: p_parf01, p_part01.
screen-active = 0. ...
... be default value for some fields or toggle status of the section (for example header always expanded, items always collapsed. This is an example of setting header data of Purchase order expanded or ...
... for the user (or set them) for standard t-code. This could be default value for some fields or toggle status of the section (for example header always expanded, items always collapsed. In all of this ...
... and PAI modules, PBO I will use to render chart and PAI to exit from the screen.
At the end we would need also GUI Status, to simplify it I will only fill few buttons with END command.
Example ...
... need, so today I will explain briefly how to do this. I will use FM 'EDITOR_TABLE_WITH_STATUS' to display an editor which you know from SE38/SE80 , 'SAPGUI_SET_FUNCTIONCODE' for setting ...