As you can imagine from the name, NO_SUM does mostly opposite what DO_SUM, but in more secure way. If you don’t want that the field is allowed to be summarized, then set the value of this field to ‘X’. ...
DO_SUM is very helpful when you want to assure that some of the numeric fields are summarized directly after the output, without interaction from the user side. In order to do so, just put the ‘X’ or ABAP_TRUE ...
... ABAP code in plain text.
So lets assume you have an RFC destination that points to It will look like this:
The XML behind has following structure: ...
... Conversion Exits
In the example program ZDEMO_AIN_CL32 I’ve setup column CONNID to use conversion exit NUMCV. As you see you don’t put the full name of the FM into the CONVEXIT field, it only assumes ...
... with the AUTHORITY-CHECK, just assume that you want to display one or two columns only to specific users that have the authorization for it ( like simple sales margin). After checking the authorization, ...
... the customer number to constructor, then the class will try to read data of existing customer, if not then it will assume that you want to create new customer.
The attributes corresponds ...
The conclusion is: do not assume that if something is workning in standard transaction, will work also in BAPI without additional settings :-)
Bellow you can find piece of code which I used ...
In my article about cl_progress_indicator I've mentioned that sometimes progress showing is more time consuming than the action which is described by it, so you must be careful when using progress ...
data: f_vbak type vbak.
case f_ucomm.
when '&IC1'. "double-click
if fs_selfield-tabindex > 0 and fs_selfield-sumindex le 0.
read table gt_alv assigning index fs_selfield-tabindex. ...
... to time consuming to prepare same logic like in MB51 and in case of any changes in oryginal transaction I would need to adjust program again
Do implicit enhancement in RM07DOCS to add missing fields ...
... entries in out table. I assume that if key field is empty then it's valid for all entries checked. For example bellow you can find picture with some dummy configuration entries. First line has both ...
... to set up a summary on that field so subtotal lines are displayed in grid. Our fields are defined so lets set fieldcatalog and sort properties for them (lvc_s_sort): loop at gt_fcat assigning .
case ...
... to use the functions or you'll check "where used" then it became quite easy (but not less time consuming). When you find the function you're seeking then it's piece of cake. It was ...