This field allows us to set (or change) the header text of the column. It can consist up to 55 characters in lowercase mode. When you use data dictionary reference ( REF_FIELD, REF_TABLE ) it is populated ...
SELTEXT is one of the fields that are linked to the texts of the grid columns. This particular one is responsible for displaying the name of the column in the change/display of layout popup. ...
... Keys
In the call of SET_TABLE_FOR_FIRST_DISPLAY I’ve added the texts for the groups.
Figure 110 Call of SET_TABLE_FOR_FIRST_DISPLAY with special groups
Now, after launching the ...
... ABAP code in plain text.
So lets assume you have an RFC destination that points to It will look like this:
The XML behind has following structure: ...
... in.
The popup is very simple to use. Once you enter the password, you can choose if you want to store the password in plain text or encrypted.
If encrypted, then on the Passwords view ...
... then the column description, tooltip and column short and long texts are taken from the data element.
Figure 86 ZDEMO_AIN_CL35 Results with ROLLNAME
Figure 87 ZDEMO_AIN_CL35 ...
... very helpful for explaining the user the meaning of the column.
Figure 81 ZDEMO_AIN_CL34 Tooltip of an column
Additionally if you’ll not use SELTEXT field, then the value ...
Figure 68 ZDEMO_AIN_CL29 hiding of columns
In this case I’ve also filled the REPTEXT column, in order to show you that it is possible to move the columns to display. If I wouldn’t do that, ...
class-methods fill_button_info
importing i_button type i
i_text type gui_text optional
i_icon type icon_d optional
i_icon_text type gui_ictext optional ...
... use any text editor to add this parameters into INI file. It's important that the Eclipse will not be running at this time.
-XX:MaxPermSize=8192m ...
... attached the whole table bellow, hopefully it will help you to find the correct pseudo comment if the code cannot be adjusted in your opinion.
Test Class
Pseud ...
source_editor type ref to cl_gui_textedit,
results_editor type ref to cl_gui_textedit.
methods: constructor.
methods: create_source_editor.
methods: create_results_editor. ...
Everybody sends mails from SAP, some are still using old FM SO_NEW_DOCUMENT_ATT_SEND_API1 but some CL_BCS class. This class is really powerful but it has one disadvantage - it does commit work, and not ...
... code. Changes are visible after next PBO event.
Button function code, please use one of constants B_xx.
Optional - button text
... do it yourself in your programs if this will be necessary. report zabcopybom.
data: c_bom_class_data like bom_class_data,
e_ecm_data_error_type type cpcc_message_type.
selection-screen begin of block b01 with frame title text-b01. ...
text = 'Dummy'.
set parameter id sin field sin_oryginal. "Return to original mode
endmethod. "supress Demo program to check how the suppressing ...
When you're used to create buttons in ALV Grid dynamically then you think why SAP doesn't allow create dynamically buttons on GUI STATUS. You can change icon or text if you defined that function ...
... messages or SAP_GUI_PROGRESS_INDICATOR is called. When you'll open this method and look on the import parameters, then you'll notice that you can pass simply any text to it , or you can pass ...
I was playing a bit with CL_GUI_TIMER some time ago and I thought that this would be good to use it somewhere to have idea how it works. So I've created then a small game Battleships, which you for ...
... separator (text element S02). Macro add_ss_line adds line for selection screen with parameter description, parameter from, "WITH" separator and parameter to. Macro change_parametr_type is setting ...
data: gt_return type bapiret2_t.
data: gs_return type bapiret2.
data: g_error type c.
field-symbols: like line of gt_assignment.
field-symbols: like line of gt_plan.
selection-screen begin of block exc with frame title text-exc. ...