* iv_fax_country = iv_fax_country " Country for Telephone/Fax Number
iv_contents_txt = | TEST MESSAGE |
&& |sample from ABAPblog.com| ...
value(iv_text) type smp_dyntxt-text optional
value(iv_icon) type smp_dyntxt-icon_id optional
value(iv_qinfo) type smp_dyntxt-quickinfo optional ...
public section.
types: begin of t_buttons,
f01 type rsfunc_txt,
f02 type rsfunc_txt,
f03 type rsfunc_txt,
f04 type rsfunc_txt,
f05 type rsfunc_txt, ...
rows type epsssrows,
vendor_name type mepo_vendor,
grtxt like t157e-grtxt,
xabln like mkpf-xabln,
bldat type mkpf-bldat,
end of t_alv. Selection-options ...
data: rm61r like rm61r.
data smp_dyntxt type smp_dyntxt.
types: begin of t_vendor,
matnr like eina-matnr,
lifnr like eina-lifnr,
end of t_vendor.
data: g_vendor type t_vendor. ...
data: f_ekkotxt type string.
data: begin of fs_condcheck,
set type c,
ebelp type ekpo-ebelp,
end of fs_condcheck.
data: ft_condcheck like standard table of fs_condcheck. ...
e_event_data. and the implementation in which I'm clearing all descriptions from subtotals: method subtotal_text.
field-symbols: type any. ...
if ms_drat-dktxt is initial.
if i_filename is not initial.
m_filenamefull = i_filename.
concatenate sy-datum sy-uzeit into m_filenamefull.
endif. ...