As you can imagine, INTTYPE is just a presentation of DATATYPE in internal SAP format in most of cases. I wrote most of cases because it can also say if the field in internal table is a reference to other ...
returning value(r_xstring) type xstring.
Here goes the implementation:
method create_xlsx_from_itab.
data(lt_data) = ref #( it_data ).
if it_fieldcat is initial. ...
i_table = space "format as table in Excel
catch zcx_excel.
data: lo_excel_writer type ref to zif_excel_writer,
l_xstring type xstring. ...
... table with sort and filter criteria if they were passed. To do that I use class cl_salv_ex_util. At the end result table is transformed to xstring with method cl_salv_bs_tt_util=>if_salv_bs_tt_util~transform. ...
... REF TO CL_GUI_CUSTOM_CONTAINER Implementation: method create_and_init_chart.
*This is the code from
data: f_lenght type i.
data: f_xstring type xstring.
data: fo_ixml_mf type ref to if_ixml. ...
... Then I'll paste the XML content here and save: After it's done I can prepare a module to read the text, replace title and subtitle and to create an xstring from it. I will use this xstring in ...
... downloaded to PC. If you don't want to download the file but you want to get it for futher use you'll have to request ET_XSTRING table. In other case do not request this parameter as it is a sign ...
... I've used this class to create a method to simplify the process of zipping. First of all class CL_ABAP_ZIP is zipping xstrings so I'll provide you the possibility to pass not only xstring variables ...