The latest version of each part of FALV can be found on github repository which you can use in abapGit for easier up to date handling.
This class is based on article ...
The latest version of each part of FALV can be found on github repository which you can use in abapGit for easier up to date handling.
Layout class is based on ...
... into ZCL_FALV class then you'll see that you have direct access fcat table where all field catalog settings are store. When you'll update this table before using display method then it would work ...
The latest version of each part of FALV can be found on github repository which you can use in abapGit for easier up to date handling.
ZCL_FALV is the main class of ...
... shows how this can be done. What is really nice is that although I'm assigning the structure SSCRFIELDS dynamically, it's not needed to declare it explicitly in the program.
class zcl_selection_screen_functions definition ...
... to SAP. ZCL_HTML_EDITOR class, which is attached to this post, raises an event whenever someone click on save button in the editor, so you can easily handle it and then use new HTML for your purposes. ...
from sflight.
class lcl_test definition inheriting from zcl_falv.
public section.
protected section.
methods evt_at_set_title redefinition.
private section.
endclass. ...
select * up to 100 rows
into corresponding fields of table @sflight
from sflight.
"FALV creation with only table passed
data(falv) = zcl_falv=>create( changing ct_table = sflight ). ...
select * up to 100 rows
into corresponding fields of table @sflight
from sflight.
"FALV creation with only table passed
data(falv) = zcl_falv=>create( changing ct_table = sflight ). ...
include type sflight.
types: styles type lvc_t_styl,
end of t_sflight.
data: sflight type standard table of t_sflight.
class lcl_test definition inheriting from zcl_falv. ...
... the we can use standard old technique of getting frontend field catalog and then manipulating the entries or we can use column method which returns zcl_falv_column object and then using this object we ...
into corresponding fields of table @sflight
from sflight.
"FALV creation with only table passed
data(falv) = zcl_falv=>create( changing ct_table = sflight ).
"Add title variable ...
"! done by Lukasz Pegiel for
report zdemo_falv05.
data: sflight type standard table of sflight.
class lcl_test definition inheriting from zcl_falv.
public section. ...
report zdemo_falv04.
data: sflight type standard table of sflight.
class lcl_test definition inheriting from zcl_falv.
public section.
protected section.
"redefinition of event handler ...
report zdemo_falv03.
data: sflight type standard table of sflight.
class lcl_test definition inheriting from zcl_falv.
public section.
protected section.
"redefinition of event handler ...
"! done by Lukasz Pegiel for
report zdemo_falv02.
data: sflight type standard table of sflight.
class lcl_test definition inheriting from zcl_falv.
public section. ...
... you'd like to join us, you're more than welcomed.
The outcome of this work is following:
Package ZFALV
ZCL_FALV - main class, inheriting from CL_GUI_ALV_GRID ...
form export_to_excel.
data: f_filename type string.
* create zcl_excel_worksheet object
data: lo_excel type ref to zcl_excel,
lo_worksheet type ref to zcl_excel_worksheet. ...
data: ft_allocvaluescurrnew type standard table of bapi1003_alloc_values_curr.
data: ft_return type standard table of bapiret2.
check i_data is not initial .
zcl_abapblog_com_classific=>move_ref_data_to_bapi_tables( ...
... after user action zcl_abapblog_com_classific=>create_structure_for_class to create reference data structure zcl_abapblog_com_classific=>move_screen_val_to_ref_data to move screen values to reference data ...