report zdemo_falv14.
data: sflight type standard table of sflight.
parameters: p_defau radiobutton group gr1 default 'X',
p_set radiobutton group gr1,
p_rowst type i, ...
report zdemo_falv13.
types: begin of t_sflight.
include type sflight.
types: style type lvc_t_styl,
end of t_sflight.
data: sflight type standard table of t_sflight.
select * up to 100 rows into corresponding fields of table @sflight ...
... when the errors are gone, also container of errors is hidden. Check out the video.
"! This is demo for FALV with error log
"! done by Lukasz Pegiel for http://abapblog.com
report zdemo_falv12. ...
"! done by Lukasz Pegiel for http://abapblog.com
report zdemo_falv11.
types: begin of t_sflight.
include type sflight.
types: styles type lvc_t_styl,
end of t_sflight.
... set colors for cells, rows and columns using FALV
"! This is demo for FALV full screen with color settings
"! done by Lukasz Pegiel for http://abapblog.com
report zdemo_falv10.
types: begin of t_sflight. ...
... methods. In following example, cell settings are set at hotspot click.
"! This is demo for FALV with cell settings
"! done by Lukasz Pegiel for http://abapblog.com
report zdemo_falv09.
types: begin of t_sflight. ...
report zdemo_falv08.
data: sflight type standard table of sflight.
select * up to 100 rows
into corresponding fields of table @sflight
from sflight. ...
report zdemo_falv07.
data: sflight type standard table of sflight.
select * up to 100 rows
into corresponding fields of table @sflight
from sflight. ...
... all / deselect all function.
"! This is demo for FALV full screen with layout changes
"! done by Lukasz Pegiel for http://abapblog.com
report zdemo_falv06.
types: begin of t_sflight,
mark type bcselect. ...
"! done by Lukasz Pegiel for http://abapblog.com
report zdemo_falv05.
data: sflight type standard table of sflight.
class lcl_test definition inheriting from zcl_falv.
public section. ...
report zdemo_falv04.
data: sflight type standard table of sflight.
class lcl_test definition inheriting from zcl_falv.
public section.
protected section.
"redefinition of event handler ...
report zdemo_falv03.
data: sflight type standard table of sflight.
class lcl_test definition inheriting from zcl_falv.
public section.
protected section.
"redefinition of event handler ...
"! done by Lukasz Pegiel for http://abapblog.com
report zdemo_falv02.
data: sflight type standard table of sflight.
class lcl_test definition inheriting from zcl_falv.
public section. ...
report zdemo_falv01.
data: sflight type standard table of sflight.
select * up to 100 rows
into corresponding fields of table @sflight
from sflight. ...
... a demo program (ZDEMO_AIN_CL46) to show you, how the COL_ID is changing on a base of COL_POS. On the selection screen you can find two radio-buttons.
Figure 120 ZDEMO_AIN_CL46 Selection ...
... then this setting of field catalog has no impact on display.
For my demo program ZDEMO_AIN_CL43, I’ve created a field catalog with REF_TABLE filled for all fields, so it is easier to understand ...
... and column name doesn’t need to be the same).
Figure 101 Fieldcatalog of ZDEMO_AIN_CL41S
Selection-screen of receiver program is defined as follows:
Figure 106 Receiver program ...
... in ZDEMO_AIN_CL40
As you can see, grid looks much better with the column headers, also proper naming of the columns will help the users to better understand the values of the column.
... lowercase, if the value of the parameter is empty, then it will always convert the entered value to uppercase.
Figure 96 Results of zdemo_ain_cl39 with lowercase turned on
... then although I’ve entered the value of ‘12’ into the column, system didn’t allowed me to save it.
Figure 94 Error in edit mode caused by wrong value of field INTLEN (ZDEMO_AIN_CL38) ...
... fields will be also field and the difference on the screen will be not that huge.
Figure 93 Fieldcatalog of the ZDEMO_AIN_CL37 for Internal ABAP type T
Possible internal ABAP types ...
Figure 90 ZDEMO_AIN_CL36 Selection screen with data type
Figure 91 ZDEMO_AIN_CL36 Result of report with TIMS data type
I’ve tried to enter data in TIME format ...
... the demo program I’ve used data element S_CONN_ID to show you how does it work.
Figure 85 ZDEMO_AIN_CL35 Selection Screen
On the first sight you can notice that if you’ll use ROLLNAME, ...
... very helpful for explaining the user the meaning of the column.
Figure 81 ZDEMO_AIN_CL34 Tooltip of an column
Additionally if you’ll not use SELTEXT field, then the value ...
Figure 79 ZDEMO_AIN_CL33 Column description in the layout popup
In case the TOOLTIP field is empty, the value from SELTEXT will be also used as tooltip and will appear when you ...
... Conversion Exits
In the example program ZDEMO_AIN_CL32 I’ve setup column CONNID to use conversion exit NUMCV. As you see you don’t put the full name of the FM into the CONVEXIT field, it only assumes ...
... you create it manually you can setup it to whatever value you want.
Figure 72 ZDEMO_AIN_CL31 Output length for field CITYFROM
My experience shows that it is useful when you ...
... you need to set its value to ‘X’.
Figure 70 ZDEMO_AIN_CL30 Setting of Field as Technical
Such setting is very helpful when you have to store some additional values in the ...
Figure 68 ZDEMO_AIN_CL29 hiding of columns
In this case I’ve also filled the REPTEXT column, in order to show you that it is possible to move the columns to display. If I wouldn’t do that, ...
... It will not only not show the sum, but also it will forbid to set it the GUI.
Figure 66 ZDEMO_AIN_CL28 DO_SUM for DISTANCE field
Once user will try to summarize the values ...