Have you were lacking sometimes the documentation of a FM or BAPI or a manual how to do things that should be possible to do easily but you cannot find it nowhere? If yes I hope you can find what you're ...
... found in Figure 11 can be used to see the difference between standard sorting and own one.
Own sorting firstly takes care about positions of columns ...
... any issues, then when I tried to do it in ABAP, I always received the error VL473 - Copying is not poss.because an entry is missing in Table TVCPL.
I thought that this is some kind of nonsense as ...
... than oryginal one. I must have had mind eclipse at the time :-) . Excuse me for that. So to keep scroll position and current cell we will need to use following methods of CL_GUI_ALV_GRID: get_scroll_info_via_id ...
Column ID is not really a special field in ALV. It is always filled automatically by ALV and your manual entries are overwritten and set to the same value as COL_POS (Column position).
I’ve prepared ...
Before writing this part, I was never using Report-Report Interface, so probably it is not common scenario to do so, or it is not used with the systems I had possibility to use. But anyway I’ve made a ...
... (lets call it here Z_DESTINATION_TO_NBP) tha will point to https://www.nbp.pl/kursy/xml/lasta.xml, where the last exchange rates are posted.
The XML behind has following structure:
... added in the ABAP category called Passwords. Here you should find all your systems clients and users.
The purpose of having here a tree is to have a possibility to store more than one mandant/user ...
... fields will be also field and the difference on the screen will be not that huge.
Figure 93 Fieldcatalog of the ZDEMO_AIN_CL37 for Internal ABAP type T
Possible internal ABAP types ...
... the data entered in edit mode will be done on a base of the real data type of the linked internal table field.
Possible data types form system NW 7.52 SP04 can be found bellow.
Data ...
... want to see it with it, the values of the field will be represented with leading zeros. You may be wondering why it is opposite when you don’t use conversion exit as the internal value in the database ...
... internal table that supposed to be displayed, but you do not want to display them. Such field can be used for example during the event handling or displaying totals and subtotals.
It can also be used ...
Figure 68 ZDEMO_AIN_CL29 hiding of columns
In this case I’ve also filled the REPTEXT column, in order to show you that it is possible to move the columns to display. If I wouldn’t do that, ...
As you can imagine from the name, NO_SUM does mostly opposite what DO_SUM, but in more secure way. If you don’t want that the field is allowed to be summarized, then set the value of this field to ‘X’. ...
FIX_COLUMN can be useful when you have a lots of fields in the field catalog and you want to make sure that some of the key fields are always visible, for example sales order number and position or posting ...
... conversion-exit name.
Using manual mask, where you can use following possibilities:
Each underscore character (‘_’) in the mask will be replaced by the characters of the source field ...
Round can be used for decimal fields that have no assigned QFIELDNAME or CFIELDNAME fields. Its purpose is to move decimal places left or right. If you want to move decimal places left, then you have to ...
... 39 ZDEMO_AIN_CL17 ALV with symbols
You can check the available symbols on your system, but I doubt they vary between old and new releases.
Figure 40 Possible symbols in ALV Grid
NO_SIGN can be used to hide the sign of the number. For example you have negative values but you want to display it as positive.
In order to show you the behaviour of this settings, I’ve manipulated ...
... you’ll find description of all of them, whenever it was possible by me to check their behaviour. Click on the link on the field name (if exists) to get the deeper description and example of usage.
Field ...
I wrote in previous post, you can’t use this class directly without any effort. First of all, the class itself will not display anything if you’ll not create a container for it. The following containers ...
... available in SAP. In this tutorial I will try to show you what you can do with ALV Grid. If possible I will give you an example for each functionality, so you could really understand it easily. It will ...
... but the issue was that I had to make the possible to use the app without the logon to SAP.
SSO is not possible yet in my company so I've setup the SICF node of the application to use specific credentials ...
... such event in the company you give the company possibility to be visible on this hard employee market, that we see currently in most of the countries.
As previously, my company Hager Group, has given ...
... this statement as it's not possible to use it within the method. So I've let this statement to be added manually always while using the "Favorite" and "Clear All Fields" function.
Few days ago I've started ...
... is one.
But there are two prerequisites - you need to have access to other system that has trusted RFC connection to the DEV system and you have to have debugging rights with possibility to make changes ...
... ( even if the connection to SAP backend was fast).
So I've started to search for possibilities to speed-up at least the starting time of the Eclipse. I've found few videos on the YouTube as well ...
I was implementing ATC checks in the company I work for and wanted to find the place where the information about possible pseudo comments are stored.
In transaction ATC I could find them in the management ...
... here, especially that the screen and GUI status is included into Git repository. Also whole refactoring is not yet done but as an alpha version it doesn't look that bad :-)
report zjson2abaptype. ...