Tags: FALV
The latest version of each part of FALV can be found on github repository https://github.com/fidley/falv which you can use in abapGit for easier up to date handling. 
When you want to change some layout settings - like zebra, then you can use layout object which contains setters for all layout fields. Additionally in this object we have "Mark field" which changes behaviur of standard select all / deselect all function.

"! This is demo for FALV full screen with layout changes
"! done by Lukasz Pegiel for http://abapblog.com
report zdemo_falv06.

typesbegin of t_sflight,
         mark type bcselect.
        include type sflight.
typesend of t_sflight.

datasflight type standard table of t_sflight.

parameterp_usemar as checkbox.


  select up to 100 rows
  into corresponding fields of table @sflight
  from sflight.

  "FALV creation with only table passed
  data(falvzcl_falv=>createchanging ct_table sflight ).

  "Add title variable
  falv->title_v1 'ZDEMO_FALV06'.

  "All layout settings have set method in layout object of FALV
  "it can be udated before output or during runtime of program
  falv->layout->set_zebraabap_true  ).
  falv->layout->set_no_mergingabap_true ).

  "additionally there is a attribute mark field which when is set
  "then fcat for it is changed so it's checkbox field and
  "when you'll use standard select all/deselect all functions then
  "it will check/uncheck checkbox instead of selecting/deselecting rows
  if p_usemar eq abap_true.
    falv->set_mark_field'MARK' ).

  "user Layout option save changed to user-specific only
  falv->layout_save 'U'.
  "Display full screen grid

Video with demo program