Tags: FALV
The latest version of each part of FALV can be found on github repository https://github.com/fidley/falv which you can use in abapGit for easier up to date handling. 
This demo uses few of previous demo examples + at the end it calls screen 0100 which has container CC_MAIN and they are used to create last FALV. So you have choice, you can use full screen FALV or you can place it in any container you want.

"! This is demo for FALV Mix Demo. It contains many features, many FALVs in one program
"! and a usage of a own screen with own container and FALV
"! done by Lukasz Pegiel for http://abapblog.com
report zdemo_falv13.

typesbegin of t_sflight.
       include type sflight.
typesstyle type lvc_t_styl,
       end of t_sflight.

datasflight type standard table of t_sflight.
select up to 100 rows into corresponding fields of table @sflight
  from sflight.

class lcl_test definition inheriting from zcl_falv.
  public section.

  protected section.
    methods evt_at_set_title redefinition.
  private section.


class lcl_test implementation.

  method evt_at_set_title.



datafalv_screen type ref to lcl_test.
dataok_code type sy-ucomm.

  "creation of falv with local redefinition
  data falv_redef type ref to lcl_test.
  falv_redef ?= lcl_test=>createexporting i_applog_embedded abap_false  i_popup abap_true
                              i_subclass cl_abap_classdescr=>describe_by_namep_name 'LCL_TEST' )
                              changing ct_table sflight    .

      iv_function  'F111'
      iv_icon      icon_refresh
      iv_butn_type zcl_falv=>button_normal
  falv_redef->delete_buttonzcl_falv=>mc_fc_detail ).
  "creation of standard falv
  data(falv_standzcl_falv=>createexporting i_applog_embedded abap_true changing ct_table sflight   ).

      iv_button              falv_stand->gui_status->b_15
      iv_text                'F15'
      iv_icon                icon_refresh
      iv_qinfo               'Test d'
      iv_allowed             abap_true
      button_already_filled  1
      button_does_not_exists 2
      icon_and_text_empty    3
      others                 4
  if sy-subrc <> 0.
*   message id sy-msgid type sy-msgty number sy-msgno
*              with sy-msgv1 sy-msgv2 sy-msgv3 sy-msgv4.
      iv_button              falv_stand->gui_status->b_16
      iv_text                'F16'
      iv_icon                icon_refresh
      iv_qinfo               'Test d'
      iv_allowed             abap_true
      button_already_filled  1
      button_does_not_exists 2
      icon_and_text_empty    3
      others                 4
  if sy-subrc <> 0.
*   message id sy-msgid type sy-msgty number sy-msgno
*              with sy-msgv1 sy-msgv2 sy-msgv3 sy-msgv4.

      iv_button              falv_stand->gui_status->b_17
      iv_text                'F17'
      iv_icon                icon_refresh
      iv_qinfo               'Test d'
      iv_allowed             abap_true
      button_already_filled  1
      button_does_not_exists 2
      icon_and_text_empty    3
      others                 4
  if sy-subrc <> 0.
*   message id sy-msgid type sy-msgty number sy-msgno
*              with sy-msgv1 sy-msgv2 sy-msgv3 sy-msgv4.

      iv_button              falv_stand->gui_status->b_18
      iv_text                'F18'
      iv_icon                icon_refresh
      iv_qinfo               'Test d'
      iv_allowed             abap_true
      button_already_filled  1
      button_does_not_exists 2
      icon_and_text_empty    3
      others                 4
  if sy-subrc <> 0.
*   message id sy-msgid type sy-msgty number sy-msgno
*              with sy-msgv1 sy-msgv2 sy-msgv3 sy-msgv4.

      iv_button              falv_stand->gui_status->b_19
      iv_text                'F19'
      iv_icon                icon_refresh
      iv_qinfo               'Test d'
      iv_allowed             abap_true
      button_already_filled  1
      button_does_not_exists 2
      icon_and_text_empty    3
      others                 4
  if sy-subrc <> 0.
*   message id sy-msgid type sy-msgty number sy-msgno
*              with sy-msgv1 sy-msgv2 sy-msgv3 sy-msgv4.

      iv_button              falv_stand->gui_status->b_13
      iv_text                'F13'
      iv_icon                icon_refresh
      iv_qinfo               'Test d'
      iv_allowed             abap_true
      button_already_filled  1
      button_does_not_exists 2
      icon_and_text_empty    3
      others                 4
  if sy-subrc <> 0.
*   message id sy-msgid type sy-msgty number sy-msgno
*              with sy-msgv1 sy-msgv2 sy-msgv3 sy-msgv4.

      iv_button              falv_stand->gui_status->b_14
      iv_text                'F14'
      iv_icon                icon_refresh
      iv_qinfo               'Test d'
      iv_allowed             abap_true
      button_already_filled  1
      button_does_not_exists 2
      icon_and_text_empty    3
      others                 4
  if sy-subrc <> 0.
*   message id sy-msgid type sy-msgty number sy-msgno
*              with sy-msgv1 sy-msgv2 sy-msgv3 sy-msgv4.


 "copy of standard falv + some changes of descriptions
  data(falv_stand_copyfalv_stand->create_by_copy(  ).
  falv_stand_copy->column'CARRID' )->set_scrtext_l'test' ).
  falv_stand_copy->column'CARRID' )->set_scrtext_m'test' ).
  falv_stand_copy->column'CARRID' )->set_scrtext_s'test' ).
  falv_stand_copy->column'CARRID' )->set_reptext'test' ).
  falv_stand_copy->variant-report sy-repid.
  falv_stand_copy->layout_save 'X'.
  falv_stand_copy->layout->set_zebraabap_true  ).

  "copy of falv with own local redefinitions
  data(falv_redef_copyfalv_redef->create_by_copy(  ).



  falv_redef_copy->column'SEATSMAX' )->set_editabap_true ).
  falv_redef_copy->layout->set_editabap_true ).
  falv_redef_copy->layout->set_stylefname'STYLE' ).
      iv_fieldname 'SEATSMAX'
      iv_row       1
      iv_function  zcl_falv=>fc_mass_replace
      iv_icon      icon_replace



  call screen 100.
*&      Module  PBO  OUTPUT
*       text
module pbo output.
  set pf-status 'DYNAMIC_STATUS_PART' of program 'SAPLZFALV'.
  if falv_screen is initial.
    falv_screen ?= lcl_test=>createexporting
      i_parent new cl_gui_custom_containercontainer_name 'CC_MAIN' )
      i_subclass cl_abap_classdescr=>describe_by_namep_name 'LCL_TEST' )
      changing ct_table sflight    .
    falv_screen->column'CARRID' )->set_reptext'test' ).

module pai input.
      iv_dynnr sy-dynnr
      c_ucomm  ok_code


Video with demo output

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