Tags: FALV
The latest version of each part of FALV can be found on github repository https://github.com/fidley/falv which you can use in abapGit for easier up to date handling. 
You can call FALV also as popup. When you mark FALV as popup version then you can use default size or you can customize size. This demo shows how.

"! This is demo for FALV standard fast call of pppup
"! done by Lukasz Pegiel for http://abapblog.com
report zdemo_falv14.

datasflight type standard table of sflight.

parametersp_defau  radiobutton group gr1 default 'X',
            p_set    radiobutton group gr1,
            p_rowst  type i,
            p_rowend type i,
            p_colst  type i,
            p_colend type i.


  select up to 100 rows
  into corresponding fields of table @sflight
  from sflight.

  "FALV creation with only table passed
  data(falvzcl_falv=>createexporting i_popup abap_true changing ct_table sflight ).

  "Add title variable
  falv->title_v1 'ZDEMO_FALV14'.

  if p_defau eq abap_true.
    "Display popup with default size
    "display popup with customized size
        iv_start_row    p_rowst
        iv_start_column p_colst
        iv_end_row      p_rowend
        iv_end_column   p_colend

Video with demo results

Eclipse Plugins for ABAP

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