This year in July I received an email from SAP Developer Relation team that I was nominate for one of thirty SAP TechEd Developer Heroes 2016.
This was quite unsuspected but at the same time very pleasure information. I was nominated for Contributing to ABAP and OS projects, I guess because of FALV project ( my part in abap2xlsx is too small ). To be honest there are many other developers who should get the Developer Hero title and I hope they will do next year, just don't be afraid to vote for them ( I'll not ).

One of the advantage of being chosen as the developer hero is a banner with your name which is placed on the hallways in TechEd events in Las Vegas, Bangalore and Barcelona. This year we already had TechEd in Las Vegas and Bangalore, from which I received this photos of banners with my name on it. There will be one as well in Barcelona, but there you can also meet me in person not only on banner.

Hope to see you in Barcelona!