form process_item using f_item type ref to if_purchase_order_item_mm.
field-symbols: <ekko> type ekko.
data: f_mepoitem type mepoitem.
data: fo_header type ref to if_purchase_order_mm.
data: f_checkheader type mepoheader.
data: f_checkheader_curr type mepoheader.
data: f_ekkotxt type string.
data: begin of fs_condcheck,
set type c,
ebelp type ekpo-ebelp,
end of fs_condcheck.
data: ft_condcheck like standard table of fs_condcheck.
check f_item is not initial.
f_mepoitem = f_item->get_data( ).
f_ekkotxt = '(SAPLMEPO)EKKO'. "we'll use ekko from me21n
assign (f_ekkotxt) to <ekko>. "do not do changes on that FS !!!
if sy-subrc eq 0.
"we only do changes for new purchase order and requisitioner 'TESTONE'
"of course you should put your own codding here
if <ekko>-ebeln+0(2) ne '45' and f_mepoitem-afnam eq 'TESTONE'.
"we're importing data from memory
import ft_condcheck = ft_condcheck
f_checkheader = f_checkheader
from memory id 'CONDADJUST'.
"get header object
fo_header = f_item->get_header( ).
"get current header data
f_checkheader_curr = fo_header->get_data( ).
"compare current header with the one from memmory
if f_checkheader_curr <> f_checkheader.
"if different then we've got new PO
refresh ft_condcheck[].
f_checkheader = f_checkheader_curr.
"clear cond wa and set ebelp
clear fs_condcheck.
fs_condcheck-ebelp = f_mepoitem-ebelp.
"we're in same PO like befor so let's check if we already have
"data for current position in our check table
read table ft_condcheck with key ebelp = f_mepoitem-ebelp into fs_condcheck.
if sy-subrc ne 0.
"if not then we clear check wa and set ebelp
clear fs_condcheck.
fs_condcheck-ebelp = f_mepoitem-ebelp.
"if the condition was set before then we do nothing
if fs_condcheck-set is initial.
data: ft_conditions type mmpur_tkomv.
data: f_cond_changed type c.
field-symbols: <komv> type komv.
"clear cond change flag
clear f_cond_changed.
"get condition for item
f_item->get_conditions( importing ex_conditions = ft_conditions[] ).
"our manipulation of conditions (do your coding here)
loop at ft_conditions assigning <komv>.
if <komv>-kschl ne 'PB00' and
<komv>-kschl ne 'PBXX' and
<komv>-kbetr is not initial.
clear <komv>-kbetr.
<komv>-kmprs = 'X'.
"set that we've done change
f_cond_changed = 'X'.
"check if we changed something
if f_cond_changed is not initial.
"if yes then we set conditions
f_item->set_conditions( exporting im_conditions = ft_conditions[] ).
"fill check data and set that for this ebelp the conditions were
"already saved
fs_condcheck-set = 'X'.
"export data to memory so we can read it in the next call of process_item
append fs_condcheck to ft_condcheck[].
export ft_condcheck = ft_condcheck
f_checkheader = f_checkheader
to memory id 'CONDADJUST'.
data: fo_order type ref to cl_po_header_handle_mm.
data: fo_model type ref to if_model_mm.
"cast header
fo_order ?= fo_header.
"cast item to model
fo_model ?= f_item.
"check if item is still in the queue to check again
read table fo_order->my_recheck_queue with key model = fo_model transporting no fields.
if sy-subrc ne 0.
"if not then we can delete entries from table to be able to run check
"in the next change of item
delete ft_condcheck where ebelp = f_mepoitem-ebelp.
"export data to memory without line that was changed already
export ft_condcheck = ft_condcheck
f_checkheader = f_checkheader
to memory id 'CONDADJUST'.
endform. "process_item
If you have to adjust conditions for your purchase order line and if during the use of method if_purchase_order_item_mm~set_conditions in BADI ME_PROCESS_PO_CUST you receive an error MEPO151 "Data from Business Add-In ME_PROCESS_PO_CUST not adopted" then after you check SAP notes for that error and none of them help then you may try with solution which you can find bellow. The endless loop appears because set_conditions method force re-check of the item. To avoid running set_conditions more than once in one check of the item I used abap memory to store data about each line that was check. I've created simple structure with ebelp and "set" fields on a base which I know if I had to run setting of conditions or not. Maybe it's not the nicest solution but it works quite well :)
The form which you can find bellow you have to run at the end of processing of method process_item of ME_PROCESS_PO_CUST to be sure that other form will not force SAP to re-check the item again.
Hope it will help!