The name of this field says almost everything about it. If you put an ‘X’ in it, then the column will be displayed as checkbox. The type of the field which is used as checkbox should be set to ABAP_BOOL ...
... grid and you’re optimizing the width of the column by minimizing the description of the column itself. It is common behaviour for example for checkboxes or for icon columns. In this case the Tooltip is ...
As we have a class then we can prepare little demo for using it. As you can see bellow, I'm activating the button only if checkbox is selected, then I'm deactivating it when it's empty. Try to do this ...
... all that I have found on 7.50 SP2 NW system.
report zab_alv_symbols.
parameters: dummy as checkbox.
data(grid) = new cl_gui_alv_grid( i_parent = new cl_gui_docking_container( ...
... the Favorites view you will see also additional checkbox while creating folder, named Development Objects Folder. If you’ll check it then all object which will be added to favorites will be opened in Eclipse ...
include type sflight.
types: end of t_sflight.
data: sflight type standard table of t_sflight.
parameter: p_usemar as checkbox.
select * up to 100 rows ...
selection-screen end of block disp.
selection-screen begin of block arch with frame title text-005.
parameters: database like am07m-ar_flag as checkbox default 'X',
shortdoc like am07m-ar_flag2 as checkbox default ' ', ...
"will be shown as checkbox
parameters: p_name1 as checkbox .
*"Radiobuton parameter, there must be at least two of them
parameters: p_name2 radiobutton group rb1.
*"second one is set as defaulty set ...