Some years ago I was asked to create a report to check if in our Z-developments we are using authorization check or not. Of course not in all developments you need to have authorization check as sometimes standard SAP function modules provides proper checks inside them, but in many cases developer should take care about them inside the coding. The code I will provide below will scan program for AUTHORITY-CHECK statement and will collect the parameters of the call of AUTHORITY-CHECK. But one thing you have to have in mind, if developer used separate FM or class to check authorization then this report will not show any authorizations for program as it's looking only in the code of the program and not for the authorization-check inside called FM or classes.
Please look through the code or import to your system using nugg file.

report  zab_authorization_check_list.

typesbegin of t_alv,
        program type trdir-name,
        objct type   xuobject,
        fiel1 type   xufield,
        valu1 type   sstringwa,
        fiel2 type   xufield,
        valu2 type   sstringwa,
        fiel3 type   xufield,
        valu3 type   sstringwa,
        fiel4 type   xufield,
        valu4 type   sstringwa,
        fiel5 type   xufield,
        valu5 type   sstringwa,
        fiel6 type   xufield,
        valu6 type   sstringwa,
        fiel7 type   xufield,
        valu7 type   sstringwa,
        fiel8 type   xufield,
        valu8 type   sstringwa,
        fiel9 type   xufield,
        valu9 type   sstringwa,
        fiel0 type   xufield,
        valu0 type   sstringwa,
      end of t_alv.

typestt_alv type standard table of t_alv.

datagt_alv type tt_alv.
datags_alv type t_alv.
datagt_trdir type standard table of trdir.
datagt_fcat type  slis_t_fieldcat_alv.
datagr_salv type ref to cl_salv_table.
datagr_columns type ref to cl_salv_columns_table.

field-symbols<trdir> type trdir.

select-optionss_prgnam for gs_alv-program.


  "dummy authorization check to show the results
  authority-check object 'S_DEVELOP'
           id 'DEVCLASS' dummy
id 'OBJTYPE' dummy
id 'OBJNAME' dummy
id 'P_GROUP' dummy
id 'ACTVT' dummy.
  if sy-subrc <> 0.
* Implement a suitable exception handling here

  "select programs from trdir
  select name from trdir into corresponding fields of table gt_trdir
where name in s_prgnam.
  loop at gt_trdir assigning <trdir>.
    perform check_authorization



"display results
      call method cl_salv_table=>factory
          list_display if_salv_c_bool_sap=>false
          r_salv_table gr_salv
          t_table      gt_alv.
    catch cx_salv_msg .

  gr_columns gr_salv->get_columns( ).
  gr_columns->set_optimizeabap_true ).

  gr_salv->display( ).

*&      Form  check_authorization
form check_authorization using f_program type trdir-name
                         changing ft_alv type tt_alv.

  field-symbols<token> type stoken,
                 <value> type any.

  typestype_tokens     type table of stoken ,
         type_statements type table of sstmnt,
         type_levels     type table of slevel.

  constantsc_k(30value 'AUTHORITY-CHECK'.
  dataft_src        type table of string,
        ft_tokens     type type_tokens     ,
        ft_statements type type_statements ,
        ft_keywords   like table of c_k,
        ft_levels     type type_levels  ,
  datafs_authorization type t_alv.
  dataf_prev_level type string.
  dataf_fieldnr(1)    type c.
  dataf_fieldname type string.
  dataf_lines type i.

  append c_k to ft_keywords.

  clear fs_authorization.

*read the source of an program
  read report f_program into ft_src.

*scan source for authorizations
  scan abap-source ft_src
into ft_tokens
into ft_statements
from ft_keywords
into ft_levels
*    overflow   into f_overflow
  with includes
frame program   from f_program

  if sy-subrc eq 0.
    describe table ft_tokens lines f_lines.
    "go through results
    loop at ft_tokens assigning <token>.

      if sy-tabix ne and <token>-str eq c_k.
        fs_authorization-program f_program.
        append fs_authorization to ft_alv.
        clear fs_authorization.
*      if <token>-type = 'I'.
      case <token>-str.
        when 'AUTHORITY-CHECK'.
          f_prev_level <token>-str.
          clear f_fieldnr.
        when 'OBJECT'.
          f_prev_level <token>-str.
        when 'ID'.
          if f_fieldnr lt or f_fieldnr is initial.
            add to f_fieldnr.
            f_fieldnr 0.
          f_prev_level <token>-str.
        when 'FIELD'.
          f_prev_level <token>-str.
        when 'DUMMY'.
          f_prev_level <token>-str.
          concatenate 'VALU' f_fieldnr into f_fieldname.
          assign component f_fieldname of structure fs_authorization
to <value>.
          if sy-subrc eq 0.
            <value> <token>-str.
        when others.
          case f_prev_level.
            when 'OBJECT'.
              "replace of ' marks with space
              replace all occurrences of '''' in <token>-str with ' '.
              condense <token>-str.
              fs_authorization-objct <token>-str.
            when 'ID'.
              "replace of ' marks with space
              replace all occurrences of '''' in <token>-str with ' '.
              condense <token>-str.
              concatenate 'FIEL' f_fieldnr into f_fieldname.
              assign component f_fieldname of structure fs_authorization
to <value>.
              if sy-subrc eq 0.
                <value> <token>-str.
            when 'FIELD'.
              concatenate 'VALU' f_fieldnr into f_fieldname.
              assign component f_fieldname of structure fs_authorization
to <value>.
              if sy-subrc eq 0.
                <value> <token>-str.
            when others.

      if sy-tabix eq f_lines.
        fs_authorization-program f_program.
        append fs_authorization to ft_alv.
        clear fs_authorization.

endform.                    "check_authorization

Result of checking the program by itselsfs:


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