although I'm still in Barcelona and the event just finished, I'd like to share with you some first thoughts I have about SAP TechEd 2016 event.

You can't imagine how was I happy to be here again, not because of new knowledge I gain, but mostly for the small and big talks we had during the conference and in the evenings. I can say this event is quite unique in the SAP world (at least for me), as SAP Inside Tracks and other events are shorter (usually 1 day) so you don't have that much time for learning and chatting. Everything is in rush in SITs cause time is not your friend. On TechEd also you had to manage your time correctly, but there always were some breaks when you could go and meet people you know from SCN/twitter/SITs (which I appreciate the most).
Additionally The SAP Mentors, I never saw other group of open people, who seems to be cut to suit each other. Helpful, friendly, crazy, little and big nerds! :-)

It was fun and pleasure to meet everyone on TechEd, hope we can meet again not only next year but also somewhere in between!
PS: Next time I'll be better prepared for Jam Band :-)
PS2: Some more pictures will come later