sort ft_allocvaluescurrnew by charact value_from value_to value_relation currency_from currency_to.
loop at ft_allocvalueschar assigning .
if f_different is not initial.
exit. ...
assign m_p to .
assign c_data->* to .
if sy-subrc eq 0.
assign component i_atnam of structure to .
if sy-subrc eq 0.
refresh .
loop at it_values assigning . ...
assign component i_atnam of structure to .
if sy-subrc eq 0.
loop at assigning .
insert initial line into table ct_values assigning .
if sy-subrc eq 0. ...
at selection-screen output.
"loop at screen elements
loop at screen.
"if we find elements of our group
if screen-group1 eq 'GR1'.
"then change the font color ...
" clear current content of selection fields
loop at ft_params into fs_params.
read table ft_sscr with key name = fs_params-selname binary search transporting no fields. ...
... remember I was always using SAPGUI_PROGRESS_INDICATOR FM to display such messages on the screen. When used inside loops I often was manually dividing current tabix by selected variable (for example 1000) ...
if sy-dynnr eq 1001.
perform set_ss_status.
loop at screen.
if screen-name cp '*P_*01*' and g_par01_type is initial.
clear: p_parf01, p_part01.
screen-active = 0. ...
"delete current assignment of components by setting LOEKZ on PLMZ (save directly after)
clear f_error .
loop at ft_com_class_data assigning .
call function 'CP_CL_P_OPR_ALLOCATION_PROVIDE' ...
assign mt_exlist->* to .
assign ms_exlist->* to .
loop at mt_list assigning .
move-corresponding to .
append to ct_list.".
clear .
delete table mt_list from . ...
It may happen that you'll need to do select or loop on a base of the field which is kept in lower case, but you don't know exactly what's the value o field. In such case you may want to build ...
... some data but I will use dummy one just to show you how to create the chart, you can replace this part with loop on your internal table or even better change it in the way that you'll pass internal ...
... to set up a summary on that field so subtotal lines are displayed in grid. Our fields are defined so lets set fieldcatalog and sort properties for them (lvc_s_sort): loop at gt_fcat assigning .
case ...