- At the beginning let's clear Function Group memory using FM 'CP_CC_S_REFRESH_DATA'. Just for the safety reasons :-)
- Then let's load BOM header data to FG memory. If you want to do mass transaction then you would probably want to fill selection table i_cpsc_bom_sel with more than one BOM number, it will be then faster than calling FM 'CP_CC_S_LOAD_COMPLEX_BY_BOM' separately many times.
- But header data is not enough, we should do same thing for BOM items using FM 'CP_CC_S_LOAD_COMPLEX_BY_ITM', as Items belongs to different work area in CEWB.
- Once we loaded data to memory we can start copying, firstly we need to call 'CP_CC_S_BOM_PROVIDE_BY_MBM' to get source header data and then use its export parameters in FM 'CS_CL_S_MAT_BOM_CREATE_BY_COPY', which is doing copy of a header data.
- Once it's done we have to get source items from memory using 'CS_CL_P_ITM_PROVIDE', and then use it for copying items to our target BOM in 'CS_CL_S_ITM_CREATE_BY_COPY'.
- At the end, when everything is fine, use FM 'CP_CC_S_SAVE' to save your changes and commit your work.
Work done!
report zabcopybom.
data: c_bom_class_data like bom_class_data,
e_ecm_data_error_type type cpcc_message_type.
selection-screen begin of block b01 with frame title text-b01.
parameters: p_matnr type mara-matnr obligatory,
p_werks type marc-werks obligatory,
p_stlal type mast-stlal obligatory,
p_stlan type mast-stlan obligatory.
selection-screen end of block b01.
selection-screen begin of block b02 with frame title text-b02.
parameters: p_matto type mara-matnr obligatory,
p_werto type marc-werks obligatory,
p_stlto type mast-stlal obligatory,
p_stnto type mast-stlan.
selection-screen end of block b02.
perform copy_bom.
form copy_bom.
"! refresh FG data to be sure we get correct data only
call function 'CP_CC_S_REFRESH_DATA'
workarea_not_set = 1
others = 2.
if sy-subrc <> 0.
"! no problem if there was error as this means nothing was to refresh
data i_cpsc_bom_sel type cpsc_bom_sel_type.
data: source_stlnr type stko-stlnr.
select single stlnr into @source_stlnr from mast
where matnr eq @p_matnr
and werks eq @p_werks
and stlal eq @p_stlal.
check sy-subrc eq 0.
i_cpsc_bom_sel-stlnr = value #( ( low = source_stlnr sign = 'I' option = 'EQ' ) ).
i_cpsc_bom_sel-stlty = value #( ( low = 'M' sign = 'I' option = 'EQ' ) ).
i_cpsc_bom_sel-stlal = value #( ( low = p_stlal sign = 'I' option = 'EQ' ) ).
i_cpsc_bom_sel-stlan = value #( ( low = p_stlan sign = 'I' option = 'EQ' ) ).
"! Load BOM Header to memory
call function 'CP_CC_S_LOAD_COMPLEX_BY_BOM'
i_class = 'P'
i_work_area = 'SAP_BOM'
i_classes_in_workarea = value classes_in_workarea( bom_inarea = abap_true
itm_inarea = abap_true
sui_inarea = abap_true )
i_cpsc_bom_sel = i_cpsc_bom_sel
i_date_from = sy-datum
i_date_to = sy-datum
workarea_not_found = 1
class_wrong_type = 2
workarea_wrong_type = 3
class_in_workarea_inconsistent = 4
workarea_not_specified = 5
bom_not_found = 6
no_selection_criteria = 7
invalid_selection_period = 8
key_date_required_for_ecm = 9
others = 10.
check sy-subrc eq 0.
"! Load BOM Items to memory
call function 'CP_CC_S_LOAD_COMPLEX_BY_ITM'
i_class = 'P'
i_work_area = 'SAP_ITEM'
i_classes_in_workarea = value classes_in_workarea( bom_inarea = abap_true
itm_inarea = abap_true
sui_inarea = abap_true )
i_cpsc_bom_sel = i_cpsc_bom_sel
i_date_from = sy-datum
i_date_to = sy-datum
workarea_not_found = 1
class_wrong_type = 2
workarea_wrong_type = 3
class_in_workarea_inconsistent = 4
workarea_not_specified = 5
itm_not_found = 6
no_selection_criteria = 7
invalid_selection_period = 8
key_date_required_for_ecm = 9
others = 10.
check sy-subrc eq 0.
data e_bom_class_data type standard table of bom_class_data .
"! Get BOM Header data
call function 'CP_CC_S_BOM_PROVIDE_BY_MBM'
i_date_from = sy-datum
i_date_to = sy-datum
i_material = p_matnr
i_plant = p_werks
i_stlan = p_stlan
i_stlnr = source_stlnr
i_stlal = p_stlal
e_bom_class_data = e_bom_class_data
wrong_key = 1
others = 2.
check sy-subrc eq 0 and line_exists( e_bom_class_data[ 1 ] ).
c_bom_class_data-stlal = p_stlto.
c_bom_class_data-stlan = p_stnto.
"! Create copy of BOM header
call function 'CS_CL_S_MAT_BOM_CREATE_BY_COPY'
* I_ECN_S = ' '
i_key_date_s = sy-datum
i_stlty = e_bom_class_data[ 1 ]-stlty
i_stlnr = e_bom_class_data[ 1 ]-stlnr
i_stlal = e_bom_class_data[ 1 ]-stlal
i_stkoz = e_bom_class_data[ 1 ]-stkoz
i_matnr_new = p_matto
i_werks_new = p_werto
i_stlan_new = c_bom_class_data-stlan
i_stlnr_new = c_bom_class_data-stlnr
i_stlal_new = c_bom_class_data-stlal
i_flg_bom_check = abap_false
c_bom_class_data = c_bom_class_data
mbm_not_consistent = 1
bom_not_consistent = 2
no_authority = 3
bom_not_locked = 4
no_valid_material = 5
no_valid_plant = 6
no_valid_usage = 7
alternative_overflow = 8
ident_already_exists = 9
multiple_bom = 10
variant_bom = 11
bom_in_plant_not_found = 12
ecm_data_not_suitable = 13
input_incomplete = 14
no_valid_bom = 15
others = 16.
if sy-subrc = 0.
"! GET source items
data: e_itm_class_data type standard table of itm_class_data.
call function 'CS_CL_P_ITM_PROVIDE'
i_date_from = sy-datum
i_date_to = sy-datum
i_stlty = e_bom_class_data[ 1 ]-stlty
i_stlnr = e_bom_class_data[ 1 ]-stlnr
i_stlal = e_bom_class_data[ 1 ]-stlal
i_werks = p_werks
e_itm_class_data = e_itm_class_data
wrong_key = 1
others = 2.
if sy-subrc eq 0.
data: i_itm_class_data_new type itm_class_data.
data: i_alternatives_new type cscl_alt_tb_type.
loop at e_itm_class_data assigning field-symbol(<itm>).
"! Copy Item
call function 'CS_CL_S_ITM_CREATE_BY_COPY'
* i_ecn_s = i_ecn_s
i_key_date_s = sy-datum
i_stlty = e_bom_class_data[ 1 ]-stlty
i_stlnr = e_bom_class_data[ 1 ]-stlnr
i_stlal = e_bom_class_data[ 1 ]-stlal
i_stvkn = <itm>-stvkn
i_stlkn = <itm>-stlkn
i_stpoz = <itm>-stpoz
i_itm_class_data_new = i_itm_class_data_new
i_stlty_new = c_bom_class_data-stlty
i_stlnr_new = c_bom_class_data-stlnr
i_alternatives_new = value cscl_alt_tb_type( ( stlal = p_stlto ) )
i_flg_itm_check = abap_false
new_item_not_consistent = 1
no_authority = 2
no_valid_item = 3
new_item_not_locked = 4
new_ident_already_exists = 5
wrong_new_ident_type = 6
no_valid_new_bom = 7
input_incomplete = 8
ecm_data_not_suitable = 9
others = 10.
if sy-subrc ne 0.
"! Save data
call function 'CP_CC_S_SAVE'
error_at_save = 1
others = 2.
if sy-subrc = 0.
commit work.
rollback work.