... report to use the function: report zab_prepare_values_for_cs.
parameters: f_char40 type char40.
data: retcode, screen.
ranges: r_char40 for f_char40 .
field-symbols: like line of r_char40. ...
... screen values table Ok, so let's starts with parameters: Importing: value( I_SET_VAL_FROM_OBJECT ) TYPE FLAG -> If set to 'X' then we get values from the classification object directly, if ...
... with previously filled data by CTMS_DDB_SET_VALUE_INTERNAL then for multiple value characteristic I was always receiving one additional line to these which was passed by me in export parameters. The funny ...
... and will collect the parameters of the call of AUTHORITY-CHECK. But one thing you have to have in mind, if developer used separate FM or class to check authorization then this report will not show any ...
* Selection screen fields
parameters: p_plscn like rm61r-plscn.
selection-screen begin of line.
parameters: p_dbrkz radiobutton group grp2. ...
... table, the rest of the parameters are option which gives you opurtinity to pass the settings you've made in your program to the output file.
So what am I doing here.... firstly I check if the fieldcatalog ...
... next part of tutorial to render the chart.
Importing parameters: I_TEXTNAME TYPE RSSCE-TDNAME -> text name
I_SUBTITLE TYPE CSEQUENCE ->our subtitle Returning ...
... exists and you want to overwrite it then you have to use 'RS_CHANGE_CREATED_VARIANT'. Few lines and you can use this in many developments. Importing parameters: I_DYNNR TYPE SY-DYNNR - Current ...
... - set cursor back. There is no special coding here, just standard ALV grid methods used in proper order. Method definition, Importing parameters: I_SOFT TYPE CHAR01 DEFAULT 'X'
... - also a program with proper parameters. In my example I will use IZArc (it's free and fast). So what I'm doing here is:
- passing full path to the file which will be zipped
- call cl_gui_frontend_services=>environment_get_variable ...
... and 'PERIOD_AND_DATE_CONVERT_INPUT' comes with a help. We would need to declare some importing and exporting parameters in a method: Importing (all as optional to be able to use method in both ...