Have you received someday an error from your ABAP object saying that "The statement SELECTION-SCREEN is not allowed within FORM routines and function modules." and you wondered why it is blocked to manipulate ...
... do it yourself in your programs if this will be necessary. report zabcopybom.
data: c_bom_class_data like bom_class_data,
e_ecm_data_error_type type cpcc_message_type.
selection-screen begin of block b01 with frame title text-b01. ...
You may noticed that standard transaction MD07 and MS07 offers basic filters on selection-screen which allows user to select materials they are responsible for, the problem comes when in your company users ...
... or selection-screen with all possible fields which can be used in the function (not good when you have a lot of editable fields), you can create dynamic program and submit it (not good as then you switch ...
data: gt_return type bapiret2_t.
data: gs_return type bapiret2.
data: g_error type c.
field-symbols: like line of gt_assignment.
field-symbols: like line of gt_plan.
selection-screen begin of block exc with frame title text-exc. ...
* Selection screen
* I've copied selection screen from MB51 and added some of my own
* My own select-options begins "s_"
selection-screen begin of block mseg with frame title text-001. ...
at selection-screen output.
"loop at screen elements
loop at screen.
"if we find elements of our group
if screen-group1 eq 'GR1'.
"then change the font color ...
at selection-screen on value-request for p_connid.
perform customized_f4.
*& Form customized_f4
*&---------------------------------------------------------------------* ...
data: g_filename type string.
data: g_path type string.
"get path
parameters: p_path type string obligatory.
at selection-screen on value-request for p_path.
cl_gui_frontend_services=>file_save_dialog( ...
In article Save variant for single selection screen subscreen I've shown you how to save a variant for single selection-screen subscreen with a little help of FM RS_ISOLATE_1_SELSCREEN & RS_CREATE_VARIANT. ...