The main functionality of the ROLLNAME is to provide a data element that will be responsible for showing F1 help on the grid cell. If in data element the documentation is available, then it will be shown. If not, or if the ROLLNAME will be empty, you’ll receive the message “No documentation available” when you’ll press F1 on a grid cell.

Figure 84 Result of F1 with empty ROLLNAME


In the demo program I’ve used data element S_CONN_ID to show you how does it work.

Figure 85 ZDEMO_AIN_CL35 Selection Screen


On the first sight you can notice that if you’ll use ROLLNAME, then the column description, tooltip and column short and long texts are taken from the data element.

Figure 86 ZDEMO_AIN_CL35 Results with ROLLNAME

Figure 87 ZDEMO_AIN_CL35 Change layout screen


Additionally to this, the main behaviour is also there. F1 shows the documentation from the data element.


Figure 88 ZDEMO_AIN_CL35 F1 Help for CONNID column



Just to show you where this information comes from, here it comes the view from SE11 and data element S_CONN_ID.

Figure 89 SE11 for S_CONN_ID



Eclipse Plugins for ABAP

ABAP Favorites

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ABAP ADT Extensions

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ABAP Quick Fixes

Drag to your running Eclipse* workspace. *Requires Eclipse Marketplace Client