When you use QM01/QM02/QM03/IQS1/IQS2/IQS3 transactions then you've noticed that when you have some task defined then you cannot directly go to attachments of notification. Following popup always appears:
But there is a way of getting rid of it. We can add new action box action to call directly attachments of notification.
So go to SPRO and find Define Action Box in QM node.
Then add new function with your new FM name and following parameters:
This will create an action like this.
Then let's create our FM. As you can see bellow, old trick of assigning data from program found in stack is used and then GOS manager is used to call directly attachment list.

*"*"Local Interface:
  constantsgos_path type string value '(SAPLSWUG)GO_GOS_MANAGER'.
  field-symbols<gos> type ref to cl_gos_manager.
  assign (gos_pathto <gos>.
  if <gos> is assigned and <gos> is not initial.
    data(objectvalue boridentobjkey i_viqmel-qmnum ).
    select single qmtyp into data(qmtyp)
    from tq80
    where qmart eq i_viqmel-qmart.

    "different type of BUS for different notification type
    object-objtype switch #qmtyp when '01' then 'BUS2038'
                                     when '02' then 'BUS2078'
                                     when '03' then 'BUS2080'
                                     when '04' then 'BUS7050'
                                     when '05' then 'BUS7051'

          ip_service         'VIEW_ATTA'    " Generic Service to Be Executed
          is_object          object
          no_object          1
          object_invalid     2
          execution_failed   3
          others       4
    if sy-subrc <> 0.

Once it's done then when you click on your new action it will show you directly attachment list of notification.
Have Fun!