Classifications - Part 4 - example of use

Classifications - Part 3 - get all objects assigned to class
i_class type klah-class -> class number
i_classtype type klah-klart -> class type
i_key_date type sy-datum default sy-datum -> key date for classification
value( et_objects ) type standard table of clobjekte -> table of objects assigned to class
et_data type ref to data -> table with characteristics data for all objects assigned to class
e_tablestr type ref to cl_abap_tabledescr -> table type structure
e_structure type ref to cl_abap_structdescr -> structure
Classifications - Part 2 - Get Object Details
i_object type bapi1003_key-object -> key of object to be classified
i_class type klah-class -> class number
i_classtype type klah-klart -> class type
i_objecttable type bapi1003_key-objecttable optional -> name of database table for object
i_key_date type sy-datum default sy-datum -> key date for classification
i_structure type ref to cl_abap_structdescr optional -> structure
et_objvaluesnum type tt_bapi1003_alloc_values_num -> table with num characteristics
et_objvalueschar type tt_bapi1003_alloc_values_char -> table with char characteristics
et_objvaluescurr type tt_bapi1003_alloc_values_curr -> table with curr characteristics
e_data type ref to data -> filled structure for object with all characteristics
fetch_values_error -> error while trying to receive object characteristics value
structure_error -> structure has wrong fields
Classifications - Part 1 - prepare structure for class data
i_classtype klah-class-> class number
i_classtypetype klah-klart ->class type
i_key_datetype sy-datum default sy-datum-> key date for class
e_structuretype ref to cl_abap_structdescr-> structure for our class
et_datatype ref to data -> table created on a base of class structure
e_tabletype ref to cl_abap_tabledescr-> table type for our class
Create a nice looking chart with CL_GUI_CHART_ENGINE - Part 3 - Chart Data and render
In the method provided bellow I firstly create custom container object (cl_gui_custom_container) to place the chart in it, then I create chart engine (cl_gui_chart_engine), then using if_xml I create an xml data container which in fact can be written using simple concatenate statement but it's not nice to change and easy to mess.
So after we receive an xml with data then I will pass it to chart engine, then I will run the method prepared in previous part (Create a nice looking chart with CL_GUI_CHART_ENGINE - Part 2 - Customization ) to read the customization of the chart and I will pass it also to engine. Finally I will render the chart.
Create a nice looking chart with CL_GUI_CHART_ENGINE - Part 2 - Customization

Create a nice looking chart with CL_GUI_CHART_ENGINE - Part 1 - Chart Designer
So first of all we need to download chart designer from SDN so you can google "sap chart designer" to get it. After you'll have it just run one of the versions available there (640 or 700) depending on your GUI version. All files which you'll find in the package are shown below, XML Format.pdf file will tell you how to prepare chart data depending on chart type.
Load variant to single subscreen (selection screen)
i_dynnr type sy-dynnr -> subscreen number