... instead of selecting and updating components in the database. IF_BOM_MM didn't helped as well. I started to dig in the standard transactions and local classes of ME52N and finally I have figure out ...
methods: evh_after_refresh for event after_refresh of cl_gui_alv_grid importing sender,
evh_del_change_selection for event delayed_changed_sel_callback of cl_gui_alv_grid.
private section. ...
... in a pop-up. You can easily copy the types of FM parameters or preview the ABAPDoc and standard documentation
v. Refactoring – well, this function is really one of the nicest, select ...
... for soft and stable refreshing.
method soft_refresh.
Method to set which field should be treated as "Mark field" means a checkbox which you select lines. Demo of the mark ...
p_rowend type i,
p_colst type i,
p_colend type i.
select * up to 100 rows
into corresponding fields of table @sflight
from sflight. ...
report zdemo_falv13.
types: begin of t_sflight.
include type sflight.
types: style type lvc_t_styl,
end of t_sflight.
data: sflight type standard table of t_sflight.
select * up to 100 rows into corresponding fields of table @sflight ...
data: sflight type standard table of sflight.
parameters: p_embeed radiobutton group gr1 default 'X',
p_notemb radiobutton group gr1.
select * up to 100 rows ...
select * up to 100 rows
into corresponding fields of table @sflight
from sflight.
"FALV creation with only table passed
data(falv) = zcl_falv=>create( changing ct_table = sflight ). ...
include type sflight.
types: cell_color type lvc_t_scol,
row_color type char4,
end of t_sflight.
data: sflight type standard table of t_sflight.
start-of-selection. ...
report zdemo_falv08.
data: sflight type standard table of sflight.
select * up to 100 rows
into corresponding fields of table @sflight
from sflight. ...
report zdemo_falv07.
data: sflight type standard table of sflight.
select * up to 100 rows
into corresponding fields of table @sflight
from sflight. ...
... some layout settings - like zebra, then you can use layout object which contains setters for all layout fields. Additionally in this object we have "Mark field" which changes behaviur of standard select ...