This field has similar functionality like ICON but instead of better looking icons, you can choose to display old-style ASCII symbols from type-pool SYM. Like in an example of ICON you have to setup the ...
The ALV Grid hides inside itself possibility to use ASCII symbols. All you need to do is to mark the one of fields in field-catalog as symbol and then use constants defined in TYPE-POOL SYM in order to ...
method change_function_visibility.
data: current_screen type string value '(RSDBRUNT)CURRENT_SCREEN'.
field-symbols: type sydb0_screen.
assign (current_screen) to . ...
created_items = created_items " Generated Delivery Items
return = error_log. " Return Parameter(s)
append lines of error_log to bapi_log.
loop at error_log assigning field-symbol() where type ca 'EAX'. ...
... you should get use to, and there have to be proper answer for that. You cannot tell "Because I want you to do it", you must explain what are the reasons to it, for example: "use field-symbols ...
constants: gos_path type string value '(SAPLSWUG)GO_GOS_MANAGER'.
field-symbols: type ref to cl_gos_manager. ...
assign component iv_button of structure buttons to field-symbol().
if is assigned.
if is initial.
= button.
if iv_allowed eq abap_true.
show_button( iv_button = iv_button ). ...
... LVC field catalog implementation method lvc_fcat_from_internal_table.
data: table type ref to data.
create data table like it_table.
assign table->* to field-symbol().
cl_salv_table=>factory( importing ...
data: gt_popup_fcat type lvc_t_fcat.
data: g_popup_question type char70.
field-symbols: type standard table. 2) Then you need to create GUI status with Cancel and Enter Buttons ...
data: g_fieldname type string.
data: g_okcode type sy-ucomm.
field-symbols: type lvc_s_fcat.
field-symbols: type any.
define add_param_descr.
concatenate 'P_DESC' &1 into g_fieldname. ...
data: mt_connections type standard table of toav0.
data: ms_toavo type toav0.
field-symbols: type toav0.
check i_purchase_requisition is not initial and i_temp_object is not initial. ...
... method gos_alink_copy_link_pr_to_po.
data: mt_connections type standard table of toav0.
data: ms_toavo type toav0.
data: m_object type toav0-object_id.
field-symbols: type toav0.
data: gt_return type bapiret2_t.
data: gs_return type bapiret2.
data: g_error type c.
field-symbols: like line of gt_assignment.
field-symbols: like line of gt_plan.
selection-screen begin of block exc with frame title text-exc. ...
* text
form pre-selection.
field-symbols: like gs_marc.
if s_ekgrp[] is not initial or s_dispo[] is not initial ...
... our class and if yes then it will copy results of MB51 to memory and leave the program. it_list type any table Implementation: method export_list_to_memory.
field-symbols: type any,
type any. ...
... -> list with results from MB51 Implementation: method call_mb51_static.
field-symbols: type any,
type standard table,
type any.
data: m_flag type c value 'X'.
data: mt_list type tt_list. ...
field-symbols: type any.
field-symbols: type any.
field-symbols: type any. ...
Importing: IT_API_CHAR TYPE TT_API_CHAR -> Table type for structure api_char_tab Implementation: method clear_initial_line_api_vari.
field-symbols: type any table.
data: mt_api_vali type tt_api_vali. ...