field-symbols: type trdir.
select-options: s_prgnam for gs_alv-program.
"dummy authorization check to show the results
authority-check object 'S_DEVELOP' ...
*This is the code from http://abapblog.com.
field-symbols: type ddshiface,
type ddshiface.
data: f_shlp type shlp_descr.
data: f_rc type sy-subrc.
call function 'F4IF_GET_SHLP_DESCR' ...
field-symbols: type ekko.
data: f_mepoitem type mepoitem.
data: fo_header type ref to if_purchase_order_mm.
data: f_checkheader type mepoheader.
data: f_checkheader_curr type mepoheader. ...
data: gs_zconf_static type zconf.
data: gs_zconf_dynamic type zconf.
data: gs_zconf_source type zconf.
data: gt_sflight type standard table of sflight.
field-symbols: type sflight.
"select our configuration ...
data: gt_objects_1 type standard table of clobjekte.
data: gt_objects_2 type standard table of clobjekte.
data: gt_data1 type ref to data.
data: gt_data2 type ref to data.
field-symbols: type standard table, ...
... Implementation:
method get_objects_of_class.
*This is the code from http://abapblog.com.
field-symbols: type standard table,
type any,
type clobjekte. ...
... in part 1. To get the characteristics values for an object I will use FM BAPI_OBJCL_GETDETAIL, then using field-symbols I will move the data from its result tables to our structure. I will use also cl_abap_typedescr ...
characteristics_error Implementation of method: method create_structure_for_class.
*This is the code from http://abapblog.com.
field-symbols: type bapi1003_charact_r. ...
data: mo_salv_table type ref to cl_salv_table.
data: m_file_type type salv_bs_constant.
field-symbols type any table.
get reference of ct_data into mt_data.
*if we didn't pass fieldcatalog we need to create it ...
In part one for this tutorial I quickly shown you how to create a chart customizing using Chart Designer, in this part I will show how I store and use such customizing. For the beginning I'll tell ...
... and field-symbols to put them on place. So let's start. As input parameter I will use only subscreen number: i_dynnr type sy-dynnr -> subscreen number Implementation of method: method get_variant_for_ss. ...
e_event_data. and the implementation in which I'm clearing all descriptions from subtotals: method subtotal_text.
field-symbols: type any. ...
*& Form ucomm
form ucomm .
field-symbols: type ref to cl_wb_editor.
data: fo_source type ref to cl_wb_source. ...
data: mo_zipper type ref to cl_abap_zip.
data: mt_accessinf type standard table of scms_acinf.
data: ms_accessinf type scms_acinf.
data: mr_name_filter type tt_ra_filename.
field-symbols like line of mr_name_filter. ...
... I_XSTRING & I_STRING variables are empty
STRING_CONV_ERROR Error during conversion string to xstring Implementation: method zip.
field-symbols: type ref to cl_abap_zip.
data: m_zipper type ref to cl_abap_zip. ...