Once done, you should create handler for the event and notify ALV grid about it. To do so, you need to declare a method (named hotspot_click in my example) with the addition FOR EVENT HOTSPOT_CLICK ...
... then this mechanism of callback is know for you, if not, then in simply words it’s an kind of event handler. When RRI finish to fill the internal tables with selection data, it allows developer to modify ...
Exception handling is empty
STOP statement in MODUL definition
... how to do this in backgroud. The solution was to run FM ME_COMPONENTS_MAINTAIN and ME_COMPONENTS_UPDATE_PREPARE in correct way together with message handler to not interrupt whole process. Here you can ...
... you can make your SALV editable and you can handle all the events you want from underlying cl_gui_alv_grid object. What you need to do, is to set handler for event after_refresh for all instances of ...
... are only creted to be handler of an grid event. So if you want to use them you have to redefine them in your local or dicitionary class which inherits from ZCL_FALV. For example demo ZDEMO_FALV02 shows ...
report zdemo_falv04.
data: sflight type standard table of sflight.
class lcl_test definition inheriting from zcl_falv.
public section.
protected section.
"redefinition of event handler ...
report zdemo_falv03.
data: sflight type standard table of sflight.
class lcl_test definition inheriting from zcl_falv.
public section.
protected section.
"redefinition of event handler ...
... how to use FALV when you want to use event handlers by your own.
"All" events are handled so you just need to redefine proper method starting from evt_*
"! This is demo for FALV with redefinition of hotspot event handler ...
... Of course don't forget to set the event handler: set handler go_event_receiver->subtotal_text for go_grid. We have now our method implemented, so now it's time to add our 3 additional columns. ...