... If you're thinking about it's restrictions to keep only 40 characters from screen parameters then please check your system as for some of the new versions this FM contains a table parameter of ...
Today, as a first entry in Beginners part I'd like you to show how to build parameters on selection screen. All this information you can find under F1 help but here you've got visualization of ...
... the search help parameters or making the SHLP parameter readonly then structure DDSHIFACE and FM F4IF_START_VALUE_REQUEST comes with a help. DDSHIFACE as you can see do not has much fields and for us the ...
... OF CL_GUI_ALV_GRID with importing parameters E_ROW_ID, E_COLUMN_ID and ES_ROW_NO
Figure 115 Hotspot_Click event handler definition
After definition, of course you need to prepare ...
... Maybe just for information and for Report-Report interface, where this field is use as one of the matching criteria for selection-screen parameters.
As you can see on the next image, although I gave ...
... them, by calling the form which is passed here.
The form has to have two tables parameters, one of structure RSTISEL, second of structure RSTIFIELDS and USING parameter of type KKBLO_REPREP_COMMUNICATION. ...
report zdemo_ssfunc_01.
parameters: p_active as checkbox user-command actfunc.
at selection-screen output.
if p_active eq abap_true.
... as some blogs where people were describing how to tweak a bit the Eclipse to work faster. All of them were pointing some of parameters that should be used in eclipse.ini file. Bellow you'll find the parameters ...
... is no form routine for this PERFORM call
Wrong number of parameters for this PERFORM call
... all that I have found on 7.50 SP2 NW system.
report zab_alv_symbols.
parameters: dummy as checkbox.
data(grid) = new cl_gui_alv_grid( i_parent = new cl_gui_docking_container( ...
... of using this two buttons :-)
report zabexpldelpobom.
parameters: p_ebeln type ekpo-ebeln,
p_ebelp type ekpo-ebelp default '00010'.
parameters: p_expl radiobutton group gr1 default 'X', ...
parameters: p_banfn type eban-banfn,
p_bnfpo type eban-bnfpo default '00010'.
class lcl_subcontracting definition.
public section.
class-methods: delete_pr_bom importing value(i_requsition) type eban-banfn ...
... find sample code how to re-explode purchase requisition BOM in few lines. report zabexplprbom.
parameters: p_banfn type eban-banfn,
p_bnfpo type eban-bnfpo default '00010'. ...
... in a pop-up. You can easily copy the types of FM parameters or preview the ABAPDoc and standard documentation
v. Refactoring – well, this function is really one of the nicest, select ...
... It's also used in case of built-in popup screen as in case of popups grid and containers must be created directly in PBO event. Parameters have the same meaning like in method CREATE.
methods create_by_copy ...
report zdemo_falv14.
data: sflight type standard table of sflight.
parameters: p_defau radiobutton group gr1 default 'X',
p_set radiobutton group gr1,
p_rowst type i, ...
data: sflight type standard table of sflight.
parameters: p_embeed radiobutton group gr1 default 'X',
p_notemb radiobutton group gr1.
select * up to 100 rows ...
data: sflight type standard table of t_sflight.
parameters: p_whole radiobutton group gr1 default 'X',
p_column radiobutton group gr1,
p_cell radiobutton group gr1. ...
... its export parameters in FM 'CS_CL_S_MAT_BOM_CREATE_BY_COPY', which is doing copy of a header data. Once it's done we have to get source items from memory using 'CS_CL_P_ITM_PROVIDE', ...
... your new FM name and following parameters: This will create an action like this. Then let's create our FM. As you can see bellow, old trick of assigning data from program found in stack is ...
... is working you can find bellow. report zab_suppress_progress_demo.
data: gt_sbook type standard table of sbook.
data: gt_csv type truxs_t_text_data.
parameters: p_supp radiobutton group gr1 , ...
... messages or SAP_GUI_PROGRESS_INDICATOR is called. When you'll open this method and look on the import parameters, then you'll notice that you can pass simply any text to it , or you can pass ...
... when you call dynamic selection-screen (with parameters like (variable) ) for the first time the output is ok, but the second time you do it in the same runtime of transaction or program then the length, ...
... object which is used in Z-tcode. In the main program we have define global parameters:
data: g_gos_ident type borident.
data: g_banfn type eban-banfn.
data: go_gos_manager type ref to cl_gos_manager. ...
parameters: p_path type localfile lower case modif id exc.
parameters: p_rows type i modif id exc.
selection-screen end of block exc.
selection-screen begin of block oth with frame title text-oth. ...
... FMs. ESDUS table keeps parameters mostly for MM transactions, here is the list of t-codes for which I found some entries inside ESDUS: - IA05
- MB24
- MB25
- MB51
- MB52
- MB59
- ...
... with a list of last used object for given user or if parameter IUNAME is not passed then for current user. Two additional parameters MAXANZ and MAXSTORE are responsible for clearing ESRUO table, if number ...
* definition of the selections screen
selection-screen begin of block disp with frame title text-003.
parameters: p_layout like disvariant-variant. ...
I've got method to get selection screen parameters to table so I can call MB51 by submitting program RM07DOCS. Of course if I do that without any changes of parameters then I would get not this list ...