Column ID is not really a special field in ALV. It is always filled automatically by ALV and your manual entries are overwritten and set to the same value as COL_POS (Column position).
I’ve prepared ...
FIX_COLUMN can be useful when you have a lots of fields in the field catalog and you want to make sure that some of the key fields are always visible, for example sales order number and position or posting ...
This field is responsible for setting up columns in proper order while displaying the grid without using of saved layout. It may be useful if you don’t allow your users to save their own or global grid ...
Column class was created to be able modify faster the settings of field catalog at any place and time. Each field of field catalog has it set method with only one parameter IV_VALUE which type is equal ...
... set colors for cells, rows and columns using FALV
"! This is demo for FALV full screen with color settings
"! done by Lukasz Pegiel for
report zdemo_falv10.
types: begin of t_sflight. ...
... the we can use standard old technique of getting frontend field catalog and then manipulating the entries or we can use column method which returns zcl_falv_column object and then using this object we ...
... to show the details of the clicked object, or to move to a transaction in which the object can be modified.
As you can imagine, setting column as a HOTSPOT is very easy, you need to pass only the ABAP_TRUE ...
... function to change of the layout, on the right side of column selection tab, you’ll notice group (or column set) filter. When you expand it, you’ll see all group names from the program.
Figure ...
... I’ve set sender and receiver, both as RT (ABAP Report Program).
Figure 100 TRSTI entry for sender program
I’ve also adapted the field catalog, setting REPREP to ABAP_TRUE for column ...
This field allows us to set (or change) the header text of the column. It can consist up to 55 characters in lowercase mode. When you use data dictionary reference ( REF_FIELD, REF_TABLE ) it is populated ...
... mode, you’ll not notice probably any change
When you’ll setup this incorrectly, you may have problems when you allow grid to be editable, for example:
When I’ve set the INTLEN to ‘2’ for column FLTIME, ...
... table field. But if you’ll have unstoppable need of filling it, then the behaviour of the column will be exactly the same like you would use DATATYPE field, means JUST, OUTPUTLEN, INTTYPE, INTLEN and DD_OUTLEN ...
DATATYPE field has small influence on the way the column is displayed. You can omit this field and then ALV grid will automatically fill this field and additionally JUST, OUTPUTLEN, INTTYPE, INTLEN and ...
... then the column description, tooltip and column short and long texts are taken from the data element.
Figure 86 ZDEMO_AIN_CL35 Results with ROLLNAME
Figure 87 ZDEMO_AIN_CL35 ...
TOOLTIP, as in any other places in on your PC, is responsible to show short info about the column when you hover your mouse over the column header. It’s very useful when you have a lots of fields in you ...
SELTEXT is one of the fields that are linked to the texts of the grid columns. This particular one is responsible for displaying the name of the column in the change/display of layout popup. ...
... Conversion Exits
In the example program ZDEMO_AIN_CL32 I’ve setup column CONNID to use conversion exit NUMCV. As you see you don’t put the full name of the FM into the CONVEXIT field, it only assumes ...
OUTPUTLEN can be used to setup the width of the column (if you don’t use automatic column width optimization). When automatically created, usually it have the value of the maximum field width, but when ...
... with the AUTHORITY-CHECK, just assume that you want to display one or two columns only to specific users that have the authorization for it ( like simple sales margin). After checking the authorization, ...
Figure 68 ZDEMO_AIN_CL29 hiding of columns
In this case I’ve also filled the REPTEXT column, in order to show you that it is possible to move the columns to display. If I wouldn’t do that, ...
As you can imagine from the name, NO_SUM does mostly opposite what DO_SUM, but in more secure way. If you don’t want that the field is allowed to be summarized, then set the value of this field to ‘X’. ...
EMPHASIZE allows you to change the colour of the whole column if there is such need.
This field can be filled with following values:
Space - this means you use the standard behaviour of ALV ...
... you can see that I passed to the filed catalog CFIELDNAME as ‘CURRENCY’ which is one of the columns of table SFLIGHT, that keeps currency key for field PRICE.
QFIELDNAME has the same meaning for quantity fields, like CFIELDNAME for amount fields. This means that we can setup in which column of internal table the information about unit of measure is kept. On ...
If you want to setup current field as a key one, you need to fill KEY with ‘X’. When you’ll do this then the field will have blue background and during horizontal scrolling the column will be fixed.
The name of this field says almost everything about it. If you put an ‘X’ in it, then the column will be displayed as checkbox. The type of the field which is used as checkbox should be set to ABAP_BOOL ...
With this field, you can setup alignment of the column. You can use one of the following values:
R - Right,
L - Left,
C - Centre,
space – default setting for field type
Field catalog is one of most important tables that is used in ALV Grid. In most cases you’ll create it manually or at least after automatic creation, you’ll update its content, as most of the columns settings ...
... needs a custom container as a parent in order to work. It is used to divide the screen area into several containers. To simplify, you decide how many rows and columns the splitter will have. So it’s like ...